
升级android sdk时A folder failed to be renamed or moved 错误的解决


Downloading Android SDK Tools, revision 4
Installing Android SDK Tools, revision 4
Failed to rename directory D:\android-sdk-windows\tools to D:\android-sdk-windows\temp\ToolPackage.old01
-= Warning ! =-
A folder failed to be renamed or moved. On Windows this typically means that a program is using that folder (for example Windows Explorer.) Please close all running programs that may be locking the directory 'D:\android-sdk-windows\tools' and try again.

按提示关掉了杀毒软件和explorer,但仍不解决问题,猜想是升级软件调用了tools目录下的文件,因此将tools目录复制一份,复制件名称为toosbak,仍放在 D:\android-sdk-windows下,然后运行toolsbak下的android.bat即可成功升级。



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