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user test lacks create session privilege logon denied

我们在oracle数据库中创建一个用户test,如果给test赋予的权限不足,那么在用test登陆时就会提示 user test lacks create session privilege logon denied,




然后执行  'grant connect to test;'
和        'grant resource to test;'


再执行     'grant create session to test;'



    Drupal 6 Panels Cookbook

    The Drupal Panels module allows a site administrator to create customized layouts for multiple uses. At its core, it is a drag and drop content manager that lets you visually design a layout and place...

    sipp private test

    Please download sipp-3.5.2.... They are both source code, but the latter one is a snapshot of the git v3.5.2 and lacks configure stuff, version.h and sipp.1. link: https://github.com/SIPp/sipp/releases


    matlab导入excel代码utl_transposed_and_summarizing_a_matrix_that_lacks_row_identifiers 缺少行标识符的转置和汇总矩阵。 关键字:sas sql join合并大数据分析宏oracle teradata mysql sas社区stackoverflow ...


    The Twisted Documentation

    there are many facilities it lacks which other languages have spent great attention to adding. It can do this now; Twisted is a good (if somewhat idiosyncratic) pure-python framework or library, ...




    libQGLViewer provides some of the typical 3D viewer functionalities, such as the possibility to move the camera using the mouse, which lacks in most of the other APIs. Other features include mouse ...

    omnet++ mixim

    provides a powerful and clear simulation framework, it lacks of direct support and a concise modeling chain for wireless commu- nication. Both is provided by MiXiM. MiXiM joins and extends several ...

    Professional Windows Phone 7 Application Development: Building Applications and Games Using Visual Studio, Silverlight, and XNA(part1)

    While numerous books cover both Silverlight and XNA, there lacks a resource that covers the specifics of Windows Phone 7 development. This book fills that void and shares the specifics of building ...


    The design principles of security architecture and three basic security models: confidentiality, integrity, and privilege control models are discussed, respectively. Three novel se-curity models and ...


    ·比RapidXML功能强很多.比Tiny都强多了.速度和Rapid差不多 ·源代码只有285k 3个文件 ...·Lacks validation, DTD processing, XML namespaces, proper handling of encoding. ·Lacks UTF-16/32 parsing.

    实验二 模拟页面置换过程(实验报告+源代码)

    int lacks; PAGE vp adr; int mp flag; int v mem adr; int vp map mp; int mp map vp; protected: bool random ; bool if in mem int number ;">PAGE { int number; int offset; }; class CPage { ...

    Reactive Android Programming

    However, he has soon learned that Android lacks a decent support for asynchronous programming (Async Task was/is a joke) while more reckless languages such as JavaScript had Promises for a long time....

    计算机图形学 基于WebGL的自顶向下方法 第7版 (英文版)

    In particular, the sixth edition was fully shaderbased, enabling readers to create applications that could fully exploit the capabilities of modern GPUs. We noted that these changes are also part of ...


    Linux内核编译是一件简单却费事的事。但是独立的编译linux内核会帮助你很好的理解Linux内核的工作机理。 首先编译linux内核我们需要在当前linux操作系统下安装gcc编译器,因为我是Centos distribution版本 ...

    Micro- and Nanosensor Technology/ Trends in Sensor Markets

    technology still lacks systematics. For these reasons, it is not only the user who has difficulties in classifying the flood of emerging technological development and solutions, but also the research ...


    To learn how to use the API, since documentation currently lacks, please refer to the Sample Usage section below as well as the sample programs, including two for Android (FacePreview.java and Record...

    nginx centos 服务开机启动设置实例详解

    nginx centos 服务开机启动设置 建立服务文件 以nginx 为例 vim /lib/systemd/system/nginx.service  在nginx.service 中插入一下内容 ...WantedBy=multi-user.target [Unit]:服务的说明 Des

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