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Oracle Apps Concurrent Manager


Concurrent Manager

Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM)

ICM实际上是一个后台进程,用于管理其他Manager(start/stop).DBA要保证ICM处于运行状态,否则其他的Concurrent Manager无法Start/Stop.

Standard Manager (SM)

默认的concurrent manager,如果request没有指定具体的Concurrent Manager(比如Inventory Manager, Receivables Tax Manager, etc),那么SM就会作为默认的Mananger来处理这个request。

产品相关的Concurrent Manager
有很多产品相关的Concurrent Managers.比如Inventory Manager, MRP Manager,Receiving Transaction Manager. 这些Managers针对特定模块来构建的,用于统一管理特定模块的program。

Concurrent manager和concurrent programs

Concurrent manager manages the concurrent parallel execution of concurrent programs.You can determine when a manager runs and how many programs a manager can start simultaneously.

A Concurrent Request is the ‘worker’ that gets scheduled and controlled by Concurrent Managers.

系统里检查ICM Concurrent Manager是否处于运行状态

检查方法System Administrator responsibilityconcurrent > manager > administer > Internal Manager,如果Processes下面,Target等于Actual,并且大于0,这就意味着manager是启动的。

操作系统下如何检查Concurrent Mananger的运行情况


System Admin > Concurrent > Manager > Defien

FNDLIBR:Concurrent Manager

ps -ef | grep FNDLIBR

FNDLIBR process indicates that concurrent mnagers are up and requests are running on the system.Sometimes it happens that even after stopping the concurrent managers by adcmctl.sh stop apps/apps some of the requests might continue running. In such cases you can wait for say 5 minutes and then if it dos not stop then you can kill those FNDLIBR processes bykill -9 <processid>

其他Concurrent Manager Processes

INVLIBR is the process for the following Managers
Manager to run Immediate Concurrent Programs defined in INVLIBR

[oracle@bej301441 ~]$ ps -ef | grep INVLIBR
oracle 7111 7004 0 Jul03 ? 00:00:07 INVLIBR
oracle 14016 13573 0 19:40 pts/5 00:00:00 grep INVLIBR
[oracle@bej301441 ~]$

MRCLIB is the process for the following Managers
MRP Manager

[oracle@bej301441 ~]$ ps -ef | grep MRCLIB
oracle 7113 7004 0 Jul03 ? 00:00:06 MRCLIB
oracle 14024 13573 0 19:40 pts/5 00:00:00 grep MRCLIB
[oracle@bej301441 ~]$

PALIBR is the process for the following Managers
PA Streamline Manager

[oracle@bej301441 ~]$ ps -ef | grep PALIBR
oracle 7110 7004 0 Jul03 ? 00:00:06 PALIBR
oracle 14003 13573 0 19:39 pts/5 00:00:00 grep PALIBR
[oracle@bej301441 ~]$

如何start/stop ICM

$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts for 11i

$INST_TOP/admin/scripts for R12

[oracle@appsnode log]$ adcmctl.sh stop apps/apps
You are running adcmctl.sh version 120.17.12010000.5

Shutting down concurrent managers for visr12 ...
ORACLE Password:
Submitted request 400227 for CONCURRENT FND SHUTDOWN
adcmctl.sh: exiting with status 0
adcmctl.sh: check the logfile /u01/app/oracle/visr12/inst/apps/visr12_appsnode/logs/appl/admin/log/adcmctl.txt for more information ...

-- starting the Concurrent Manager with diag=Y for detailed info
[oracle@appsnode log]$ adcmctl.sh start apps/apps diag=Y
You are running adcmctl.sh version 120.17.12010000.5
Starting concurrent manager for visr12 ...
Starting visr12_0710@visr12 Internal Concurrent Manager
Default printer is noprint
adcmctl.sh: exiting with status 0
adcmctl.sh: check the logfile /u01/app/oracle/visr12/inst/apps/visr12_appsnode/logs/appl/admin/log/adcmctl.txt for more information ...

[oracle@appsnode log]$ adcmctl.sh status apps/apps
You are running adcmctl.sh version 120.17.12010000.5
Internal Concurrent Manager is Active.
adcmctl.sh: exiting with status 0

[oracle@appsnode log]$ ps -ef | grep FNDLIBR
oracle 7650 7644 0 06:39 pts/1 00:00:03 FNDLIBR
oracle 7924 7759 0 06:55 ? 00:00:02 FNDLIBR
oracle 7925 7759 0 06:55 ? 00:00:02 FNDLIBR
oracle 7926 7759 0 06:55 ? 00:00:02 FNDLIBR

oracle 7931 7759 0 06:55 ? 00:00:00 FNDLIBR

ICM log file?


Related Tables

see Concurrent Request Tables

Related Scripts

$FND_TOP/sql Scripts
* afimchk.sql Tells the status of the ICM
* afcmstat.sql Lists active manager processes
* afrqrun.sql Lists all the running, waiting and Terminating requests
* afrqwait.sql Lists requests that are constrained and waiting for the ICM to release them.
* afrqscm.sql Prints log file name of managers that can run a given request.
* afcmcreq.sql Prints the log file name of the manager that processed the request
* afrqstat.sql Summary of completed concurrent requests grouped by completion status and execution type..
* afimlock.sql Lists locks that the ICM is waiting to get
* afcmrrq.sql Lists managers that currently are running a request

Related Notes

Note 105133.1 Concurrent Manager Questions and Answers Relating to Generic Platform
Note 104452.1 Troubleshooting Concurrent Manager (Unix specific)
Note 260887.1 Steps to Clean Nonexistent Nodes or IP Addresses from FND_NODES
Note 134007.1 CMCLEAN.SQL - Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables
Note 171855.1 CCM.sql Diagnostic Script for Concurrent Manager
Note 213021.1 Concurrent Processing (CP) / APPS Reporting Scripts !!!!






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