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mysql install and config

Install MySQL Server

Install MySQL Server 5.1.30 in the machine where you want to store the StoreGrid Backup Server's metadata.

   1. Download the MySQL server (mysql-5.1.30.tar.gz) file from the URL http://downloads.mysql.com/archives.php?p=mysql-5.1&v=5.1.34
   2. Extract the tar file by executing 'tar -xzvf mysql-5.1.30.tar.gz'
   3. Go the extracted folder by executing 'cd mysql-5.1.30'
   4. Execute './configure --enable-thread-safe-client --with-plugins=max --with-gnu-ld' (Assuming you have all the appropriate stuff like gcc, g++, make, etc.,)
   5. Execute 'make'
   6. Execute 'make install' as root user. By default, this will install MySQL in /usr/local.
   7. Copy the MySQL configuration file by executing 'cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf' as root user.
   8. Open the '/etc/my.cnf' file and edit the settings as follows :

      slow_query_log = 1
      innodb_log_file_size = 512M
      transaction-isolation = READ-COMMITTED
   9. Execute 'mysql_install_db' to install and set up the system tables.
  10. Copy the MySQL daemon script file by executing the command 'cp support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysql' as root user.
  11. Change mode for the daemon file by executing the command 'chmod 755 /etc/init.d/mysql' as root user.
  12. Add the MySQL daemon by executing the command '/sbin/chkconfig --add mysql' as root.
  13. Start MySQL Server by executing '/etc/init.d/mysql start'.
  14. Set the root password for MySQL Server by executing 'mysqladmin -u root password [mysql_root_password]' where [mysql_root_password] is the password for the MySQL root user.

Install MySQL Client

StoreGrid Backup server uses the MySQL client program to connect to the MySQL Server. Hence, you need to install the MySQL 5.1.30 client in the backup server.

Note: If you have installed the MySQL Server in your StoreGrid backup server machine itself, then please ignore this step.

For backup/replication server running in 32 bit machine :

   1. Extract the MySQL installer file by executing 'tar -xzvf mysql-5.1.30.tar.gz'
   2. Go to the extracted folder by executing 'cd mysql-5.1.30'
   3. Execute the command './configure --enable-thread-safe-client --enable-gui=no --without-server --with-plugins=max --with-gnu-ld'
   4. Execute 'make'
   5. Execute 'make install' as root user

For backup/replication server running in 64 bit machine :

   1. Login as root user and execute yum install mysql.i386
   2. This will install 32 bit MySQL client in your 64 bit machine.




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    在使用pip install mysql总会报错: _mysql.c(42) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'config-win.h': No such file or directory 原来还是驱动问题,不管mysql的事。 希望该安装包对你有所帮助~

    python2.7.5 安装python-mysqldb出错问题my_config.h: No such file or directory.

    my_config.h: No such file or directory. 解决办法:1)mysql版本太高,可降低版本 --此路一般不会考虑 2)注意下载的mysql-python的版本是否符和当前版本兼容 2)下载附件中的文件,放至/usr/include目录下,重新...


    6. 管理员模式运行cmd到MySQL根目录运行 mysqld --install 7. 管理员模式cmd到根目录运行net start mysql启动服务,net stop mysql停止服务,可创建管理员模式批处理命令(start mysql service.bat)形如 @echo off ...

    Mysql 绿色版,可注册为服务(windows)

    config.exe path=L:/MysqlDatabase/mySQL;Action=install;startup=true;Remoteaccess=true;password=video; 注册后启动: net start mysql 停止: net stop mysql 删除服务: config.exe path=L:/MysqlDatabase/...


    6. 管理员模式运行cmd到MySQL根目录运行 mysqld --install 7. 管理员模式cmd到根目录运行net start mysql启动服务,net stop mysql停止服务,可创建管理员模式批处理命令(start mysql service.bat)形如 @echo off ...


    python使用mysql时,pip install mysql-python时会报错,_mysql.c(42) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'config-win.h': No s uch file or directory,此时使用此版本可完美解决


    下载此文件可以直接通过sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.8.9-1_all.deb 、sudo apt-get update 、sudo apt-get install mysql-server 方式安装 mysql5.7版本


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    4.修改文件,添加相应字符集的编译定义: [root@www mysql-5.1.55]# vim include/config.h …… #define HAVE_CHARSET_gbk 1 #define HAVE_CHARSET_gb2312 1 …… 5.编译安装 安装后的其他调整: 建立配置文件: ...

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