
vi 的完整指令说明 -- YenYen 整理


◇ vi 的完整指令说明 -- YenYen 整理


感谢 vwood 提供

Warning: some vi versions don't support the more esoteric features
described in this document. You can edit/redistribute this document
freely, as long as you don't make false claims on original authorship.

Author: Maarten Litmaath &ltmaart@cs.vu.nl>
Version: 7

/ contributions /

Rich Salz &ltrsalz@bbn.com>
Eamonn McManus &ltemcmanus@cs.tcd.ie>
Diomidis Spinellis &ltdiomidis%ecrcvax.uucp@pyramid.pyramid.com>
Blair P. Houghton &ltbph@buengc.bu.edu>
Rusty Haddock <{uunet,att,rutgers}!mimsy.umd.edu!fe2o3!rusty>
Panos Tsirigotis &ltpanos@boulder.colorado.edu>
David J. MacKenzie &ltdjm@wam.umd.edu>
Kevin Carothers &ltkevin@ttidca.tti.com>
Dan Mercer &ltmercer@ncrcce.StPaul.NCR.COM>
Ze'ev Shtadler &ltsteed@il4cad.intel.com>
Paul Quare &ltpq@r2.cs.man.ac.uk>
Dave Beyerl &ltatt!ihlpl!db21>

/ legenda /

default values : 1
<*> : `*' must not be taken literally
[*] : `*' is optional
^X : &ltctrl&gtX
&ltsp> : space
&ltcr> : carriage return
&ltlf> : linefeed
&ltht> : horizontal tab
&ltesc> : escape
&lterase> : your erase character
&ltkill> : your kill character
&ltintr> : your interrupt character
&lta-z> : an element in the range
N : number (`*' = allowed, `-' = not appropriate)
CHAR : char unequal to &ltht>|&ltsp>
WORD : word followed by &ltht>|&ltsp>|&ltlf>

/ move commands /

N | Command | Meaning
* | h | ^H | &lterase> | <*> chars to the left.
* | j | &ltlf> | ^N | <*> lines downward.
* | l | &ltsp> | <*> chars to the right.
* | k | ^P | <*> lines upward.
* | $ | To the end of line <*> from the cursor.
- | ^ | To the first CHAR of the line.
* | _ | To the first CHAR <*> - 1 lines lower.
* | - | To the first CHAR <*> lines higher.
* | + | &ltcr> | To the first CHAR <*> lines lower.
- | 0 | To the first char of the line.
* | | | To column <*> (&ltht>: only to the endpoint).
* | f&ltchar> | <*> &ltchar&gts to the right (find).
* | t&ltchar> | Till before <*> &ltchar&gts to the right.
* | F&ltchar> | <*> &ltchar&gts to the left.
* | T&ltchar> | Till after <*> &ltchar&gts to the left.
* | ; | Repeat latest `f'|`t'|`F'|`T' <*> times.
* | , | Idem in opposite direction.
* | w | <*> words forward.
* | W | <*> WORDS forward.
* | b | <*> words backward.
* | B | <*> WORDS backward.
* | e | To the end of word <*> forward.
* | E | To the end of WORD <*> forward.
* | G | Go to line <*> (default EOF).
* | H | To line <*> from top of the screen (home).
* | L | To line <*> from bottom of the screen (last).
- | M | To the middle line of the screen.
* | ) | <*> sentences forward.
* | ( | <*> sentences backward.
* | } | <*> paragraphs forward.
* | { | <*> paragraphs backward.
- | ]] | To the next section (default EOF).
- | [[ | To the previous section (default begin of file).
- | `&lta-z> | To the mark.
- | '&lta-z> | To the first CHAR of the line with the mark.
- | `` | To the cursor position before the latest absolute
| jump (of which are examples `/' and `G').
- | '' | To the first CHAR of the line on which the cursor
| was placed before the latest absolute jump.
- | /&ltstring> | To the next occurrence of &ltstring&gt.
- | ?&ltstring> | To the previous occurrence of &ltstring&gt.
- | n | Repeat latest `/'|`?' (next).
- | N | Idem in opposite direction.
- | % | Find the next bracket and go to its match
| (also with `{'|`}' and `['|`]').

/ searching (see above) /

:ta &ltname> | Search in the tags file[s] where &ltname> is
| defined (file, line), and go to it.
^] | Use the name under the cursor in a `:ta' command.
^T | Pop the previous tag off the tagstack and return
| to its position.
:[x,y]g/&ltstring>/&ltcmd> | Search globally [from line x to y] for &ltstring>
| and execute the `ex' &ltcmd> on each occurrence.
:[x,y]v/&ltstring>/&ltcmd> | Execute &ltcmd> on the lines that don't match.

/ undoing changes /

u | Undo the latest change.
U | Undo all changes on a line, while not having
| moved off it (unfortunately).
:q! | Quit vi without writing.
:e! | Re-edit a messed-up file.

/ appending text (end with &ltesc>) /

* | a | <*> times after the cursor.
* | A | <*> times at the end of line.
* | i | <*> times before the cursor (insert).
* | I | <*> times before the first CHAR of the line
* | o | On a new line below the current (open).
| The count is only useful on a slow terminal.
* | O | On a new line above the current.
| The count is only useful on a slow terminal.
* | >&ltmove> | Shift the lines described by <*>&ltmove> one
| shiftwidth to the right.
* | >> | Shift <*> lines one shiftwidth to the right.
* | ["&lta-zA-Z1-9>]p | Put the contents of the (default undo) buffer
| <*> times after the cursor.
| A buffer containing lines is put only once,
| below the current line.
* | ["&lta-zA-Z1-9>]P | Put the contents of the (default undo) buffer
| <*> times before the cursor.
| A buffer containing lines is put only once,
| above the current line.
* | . | Repeat previous command <*> times. If the last
| command before a `.' command references a
| numbered buffer, the buffer number is
| incremented first (and the count is ignored):
| &quot1pu.u.u.u.u - `walk through' buffers 1
| through 5
| &quot1P.... - restore them

/ deleting text /

Everything deleted can be stored into a buffer. This is achieved by
putting a `"' and a letter &lta-z> before the delete command. The
deleted text will be in the buffer with the used letter. If &ltA-Z>
is used as buffer name, the adjugate buffer &lta-z> will be augmented
instead of overwritten with the text. The undo buffer always
contains the latest change. Buffers &lt1-9> contain the latest 9
LINE deletions (`&quot1' is most recent).

* | x | Delete <*> chars under and after the cursor.
* | X | <*> chars before the cursor.
* | d&ltmove> | From begin to endpoint of <*>&ltmove&gt.
* | dd | <*> lines.
- | D | The rest of the line.
* | <&ltmove> | Shift the lines described by <*>&ltmove> one
| shiftwidth to the left.
* | << | Shift <*> lines one shiftwidth to the left.
* | . | Repeat latest command <*> times.

/ changing text (end with &ltesc>) /

* | r&ltchar> | Replace <*> chars by &ltchar> - no &ltesc&gt.
* | R | Overwrite the rest of the line,
| appending change <*> - 1 times.
* | s | Substitute <*> chars.
* | S | <*> lines.
* | c&ltmove> | Change from begin to endpoint of <*>&ltmove&gt.
* | cc | <*> lines.
* | C | The rest of the line and <*> - 1 next lines.
* | =&ltmove> | If the option `lisp' is set, this command
| will realign the lines described by <*>&ltmove>
| as though they had been typed with the option
| `ai' set too.
- | ~ | Switch lower and upper cases
| (should be an operator, like `c').
* | J | Join <*> lines (default 2).
* | . | Repeat latest command <*> times (`J' only once).
- | & | Repeat latest `ex' substitute command, e.g.
| `:s/wrong/good'.
- | :[x,y]s/&ltp>/&ltr>/&ltf>| Substitute (on lines x through y) the pattern &ltp>
| (default the last pattern) with &ltr&gt. Useful
| flags &ltf> are `g' for `global' (i.e. change
| every non-overlapping occurrence of &ltp>) and
| `c' for `confirm' (type `y' to confirm a
| particular substitution, else &ltcr>). Instead
| of `/' any punctuation CHAR unequal to &ltlf>
| can be used as delimiter.

/ substitute replacement patterns /

The basic meta-characters for the replacement pattern are `&' and `~';
these are given as `\&' and `\~' when nomagic is set. Each instance
of `&' is replaced by the characters which the regular expression
matched. The meta-character `~' stands, in the replacement
pattern, for the defining text of the previous replacement
pattern. Other meta-sequences possible in the replacement pattern
are always introduced by the escaping character `\'. The sequence
`\n' (with `n' in [1-9]) is replaced by the text matched by the
n-th regular subexpression enclosed between `\(' and `\)'. The
sequences `\u' and `\l' cause the immediately following character
in the replacement to be converted to upper- or lower-case
respectively if this character is a letter. The sequences `\U' and
`\L' turn such conversion on, either until `\E' or `\e' is
encountered, or until the end of the replacement pattern.

/ remembering text (yanking) /

With yank commands you can put `"&lta-zA-Z>' before the command, just as
with delete commands. Otherwise you only copy to the undo buffer.
The use of buffers &lta-z> is THE way of copying text to another file;
see the `:e &ltfile>' command.

* | y&ltmove> | Yank from begin to endpoint of <*>&ltmove&gt.
* | yy | <*> lines.
* | Y | Idem (should be equivalent to `y
- | m&lta-z> | Mark the cursor position with a letter.

/ commands while in append|change mode /

^@ | If typed as the first character of the
| insertion, it is replaced with the previous
| text inserted (max. 128 chars), after which
| the insertion is terminated.
^V | Deprive the next char of its special meaning
| (e.g. &ltesc>).
^D | One shiftwidth to the left.
0^D | Remove all indentation on the current line
| (there must be no other chars on the line).
^^D | Idem, but it is restored on the next line.
^T | One shiftwidth to the right
^H | &lterase> | One char back.
^W | One word back.
&ltkill> | Back to the begin of the change on the
| current line.
&ltintr> | Like &ltesc> (but you get a beep as well).

/ writing, editing other files, and quitting vi /

In `:' `ex' commands `%' denotes the current file, `#' is a synonym for
the alternate file (which normally is the previous file).
Marks can be used for line numbers too: '&lta-z&gt.
In the `:w'|`:f'|`:cd'|`:e'|`:n' commands shell meta-characters can be

:q | Quit vi, unless the buffer has been changed.
:q! | Quit vi without writing.
^Z | Suspend vi.
:w | Write the file.
:w &ltname> | Write to the file &ltname&gt.
:w >> &ltname> | Append the buffer to the file &ltname&gt.
:w! &ltname> | Overwrite the file &ltname&gt.
:x,y w &ltname> | Write lines x through y to the file &ltname&gt.
:wq | Write the file and quit vi; some versions quit
| even if the write was unsuccessful!
| Use `ZZ' instead.
ZZ | Write if the buffer has been changed, and
| quit vi. If you have invoked vi with the `-r'
| option, you'd better write the file
| explicitly (`w' or `w!'), or quit the
| editor explicitly (`q!') if you don't want
| to overwrite the file - some versions of vi
| don't handle the `recover' option very well.
:x [&ltfile>] | Idem [but write to &ltfile>].
:x! [&ltfile>] | `:w![&ltfile>]' and `:q'.
:pre | Preserve the file - the buffer is saved as if
| the system had just crashed; for emergencies,
| when a `:w' command has failed and you don't
| know how to save your work (see `vi -r').
:f &ltname> | Set the current filename to &ltname&gt.
:cd [&ltdir>] | Set the working directory to &ltdir>
| (default home directory).
:cd! [&ltdir>] | Idem, but don't save changes.
:e [+&ltcmd>] &ltfile> | Edit another file without quitting vi - the
| buffers are not changed (except the undo
| buffer), so text can be copied from one file to
| another this way. [Execute the `ex' command
| &ltcmd> (default ` ) when the new file has been
| read into the buffer.] &ltcmd> must contain no
| &ltsp> or &ltht&gt. See `vi startup'.
:e! [+&ltcmd>] &ltfile> | Idem, without writing the current buffer.
^^ | Edit the alternate (normally the previous) file.
:rew | Rewind the argument list, edit the first file.
:rew! | Idem, without writing the current buffer.
:n [+&ltcmd>] [&ltfiles>] | Edit next file or specify a new argument list.
:n! [+&ltcmd>] [&ltfiles>] | Idem, without writing the current buffer.
:args | Give the argument list, with the current file
| between `[' and `]'.

/ display commands /

^G | Give file name, status, current line number
| and relative position.
^L | Refresh the screen (sometimes `^P' or `^R').
^R | Sometimes vi replaces a deleted line by a `@',
| to be deleted by `^R' (see option `redraw').
[*]^E | Expose <*> more lines at bottom, cursor
| stays put (if possible).
[*]^Y | Expose <*> more lines at top, cursor
| stays put (if possible).
[*]^D | Scroll <*> lines downward
| (default the number of the previous scroll;
| initialization: half a page).
[*]^U | Scroll <*> lines upward
| (default the number of the previous scroll;
| initialization: half a page).
[*]^F | <*> pages forward.
[*]^B | <*> pages backward (in older versions `^B' only
| works without count).

If in the next commands the field &ltwi> is present, the windowsize
will change to &ltwi&gt. The window will always be displayed at the
bottom of the screen.

[*]z[wi]&ltcr> | Put line <*> at the top of the window
| (default the current line).
[*]z[wi]+ | Put line <*> at the top of the window
| (default the first line of the next page).
[*]z[wi]- | Put line <*> at the bottom of the window
| (default the current line).
[*]z[wi]^ | Put line <*> at the bottom of the window
| (default the last line of the previous page).
[*]z[wi]. | Put line <*> in the centre of the window
| (default the current line).

/ mapping and abbreviation /

When mapping take a look at the options `to' and `remap' (below).

:map &ltstring> &ltseq> | &ltstring> is interpreted as &ltseq>, e.g.
| `:map ^C :!cc %^V&ltcr>' to invoke `cc' (the C
| compiler) from within the editor
| (vi replaces `%' with the current file name).
:map | Show all mappings.
:unmap &ltstring> | Deprive &ltstring> of its mapping. When vi
| complains about non-mapped macros (whereas no
| typos have been made), first do something like
| `:map &ltstring> Z', followed by
| `:unmap &ltstring>' (`Z' must not be a macro
| itself), or switch to `ex' mode first with `Q'.
:map! &ltstring> &ltseq> | Mapping in append mode, e.g.
| `:map! \be begin^V&ltcr&gtend;^V&ltesc&gtO&ltht>'.
| When in append mode &ltstring> is preceded by
| `^V', no mapping is done.
:map! | Show all append mode mappings.
:unmap! &ltstring> | Deprive &ltstring> of its mapping (see `:unmap').
:ab &ltstring> &ltseq> | Whenever in append mode &ltstring> is preceded and
| followed by a breakpoint (e.g. &ltsp> or `,'), it
| is interpreted as &ltseq>, e.g.
| `:ab ^P procedure'. A `^V' immediately
| following &ltstring> inhibits expansion.
:ab | Show all abbreviations.
:unab &ltstring> | Do not consider &ltstring> an abbreviation
| anymore (see `:unmap').
@&lta-z> | Consider the contents of the named register a
| command, e.g.:
| o0^D:s/wrong/good/&ltesc>&quotzdd
| Explanation:
| o - open a new line
| 0^D - remove indentation
| :s/wrong/good/ - this input text is an
| `ex' substitute command
| &ltesc> - finish the input
| &quotzdd - delete the line just
| created into register `z'
| Now you can type `@z' to replace `wrong'
| with `good' on the current line.
@@ | Repeat last register command.

/ switch and shell commands /

Q | ^\ | &ltintr>&ltintr> | Switch from vi to `ex'.
: | An `ex' command can be given.
:vi | Switch from `ex' to vi.
:sh | Execute a subshell, back to vi by `^D'.
:[x,y]!&ltcmd> | Execute a shell &ltcmd> [on lines x through y;
| these lines will serve as input for &ltcmd> and
| will be replaced by its standard output].
:[x,y]!! [&ltargs>] | Repeat last shell command [and append &ltargs>].
:[x,y]!&ltcmd> ! [&ltargs>] | Use the previous command (the second `!') in a
| new command.
[*]!&ltmove>&ltcmd> | The shell executes &ltcmd>, with as standard
| input the lines described by <*>&ltmove>,
| next the standard output replaces those lines
| (think of `cb', `sort', `nroff', etc.).
[*]!&ltmove>!&ltargs> | Append &ltargs> to the last &ltcmd> and execute it,
| using the lines described by the current
| <*>&ltmove&gt.
[*]!!&ltcmd> | Give <*> lines as standard input to the
| shell &ltcmd>, next let the standard output
| replace those lines.
[*]!!! [&ltargs>] | Use the previous &ltcmd> [and append &ltargs> to it].
:x,y w !&ltcmd> | Let lines x to y be standard input for &ltcmd>
| (notice the &ltsp> between the `w' and the `!').
:r!&ltcmd> | Put the output of &ltcmd> onto a new line.
:r &ltname> | Read the file &ltname> into the buffer.

/ vi startup /

vi [&ltfiles>] | Edit the files, start with the first page of
| the first file.

The editor can be initialized by the shell variable `EXINIT', which
looks like:

&ltcmd>: set options
map ...
ab ...
export EXINIT (in the Bourne shell)

However, the list of initializations can also be put into a file.
If this file is located in your home directory, and is named `.exrc'
AND the variable `EXINIT' is NOT set, the list will be executed
automatically at startup time. However, vi will always execute the
contents of a `.exrc' in the current directory, if you own the file.
Else you have to give the execute (`source') command yourself:

:so file

In a `.exrc' file a comment is introduced with a double quote character:
the rest of the line is ignored. Exception: if the last command on the
line is a `map[!]' or `ab' command or a shell escape, a trailing comment
is not recognized, but considered part of the command.

On-line initializations can be given with `vi +&ltcmd> file', e.g.:

vi +x file | The cursor will immediately jump to line x
| (default last line).
vi +/&ltstring> file | Jump to the first occurrence of &ltstring&gt.

You can start at a particular tag with:

vi -t &lttag> | Start in the right file in the right place.

Sometimes (e.g. if the system crashed while you were editing) it is
possible to recover files lost in the editor by `vi -r file'. A plain
`vi -r' command shows the files you can recover.
If you just want to view a file by using vi, and you want to avoid any
change, instead of vi you can use the `view' or `vi -R' command:
the option `readonly' will be set automatically (with `:w!' you can
override this option).

/ the most important options /

ai | autoindent - In append mode after a &ltcr> the
| cursor will move directly below the first
| CHAR on the previous line. However, if the
| option `lisp' is set, the cursor will align
| at the first argument to the last open list.
aw | autowrite - Write at every shell escape
| (useful when compiling from within vi).
dir=&ltstring> | directory - The directory for vi to make
| temporary files (default `/tmp').
eb | errorbells - Beeps when you goof
| (not on every terminal).
ic | ignorecase - No distinction between upper and
| lower cases when searching.
lisp | Redefine the following commands:
| `(', `)' - move backward (forward) over
| S-expressions
| `{', `}' - idem, but don't stop at atoms
| `[[', `]]' - go to previous (next) line
| beginning with a `('
| See option `ai'.
list | &ltlf> is shown as ` , &ltht> as `^I'.
magic | If this option is set (default), the chars `.',
| `[' and `*' have special meanings within search
| and `ex' substitute commands. To deprive such
| a char of its special function it must be
| preceded by a `\'. If the option is turned off
| it's just the other way around. Meta-chars:
| ^&ltstring> - &ltstring> must begin the line
| &ltstring>$ - &ltstring> must end the line
| . - matches any char
| [a-z] - matches any char in the range
| [^a-z] - any char not in the range
| [&ltstring>] - matches any char in &ltstring>
| [^&ltstring>] - any char not in &ltstring>
| &ltchar>* - 0 or more &ltchar&gts
| \<&ltstring> - &ltstring> must begin a word
| &ltstring>\> - &ltstring> must end a word
modeline | When you read an existing file into the buffer,
| and this option is set, the first and last 5
| lines are checked for editing commands in the
| following form:
| &ltsp&gtvi:set options|map ...|ab ...|!...:
| Instead of &ltsp> a &ltht> can be used, instead of
| `vi' there can be `ex'. Warning: this option
| could have nasty results if you edit a file
| containing `strange' modelines.
nu | number - Numbers before the lines.

para=&ltstring> | paragraphs - Every pair of chars in &ltstring> is
| considered a paragraph delimiter nroff macro
| (for `{' and `}'). A &ltsp> preceded by a `\'
| indicates the previous char is a single letter
| macro. `:set para=P\ bp' introduces `.P' and
| `.bp' as paragraph delimiters. Empty lines and
| section boundaries are paragraph boundaries
| too.
redraw | The screen remains up to date.
remap | If on (default), macros are repeatedly
| expanded until they are unchanged.
| expanded until they are unchanged.
| Example: if `o' is mapped to `A', and `A'
| is mapped to `I', then `o' will map to `I'
| if `remap' is set, else it will map to `A'.
report=<*> | Vi reports whenever e.g. a delete
| or yank command affects <*> or more lines.
ro | readonly - The file is not to be changed.
| However, `:w!' will override this option.
sect=&ltstring> | sections - Gives the section delimiters (for `[['
| and `]]'); see option `para'. A `{' beginning a
| line also starts a section (as in C functions).
sh=&ltstring> | shell - The program to be used for shell escapes
| (default `$SHELL' (default `/bin/sh')).
sw=<*> | shiftwidth - Gives the shiftwidth (default 8
| positions).
sm | showmatch - Whenever you append a `)', vi shows
| its match if it's on the same page; also with
| `{' and `}'. If there's no match at all, vi
| will beep.
taglength=<*> | The number of significant characters in tags
| (0 = unlimited).
tags=&ltstring> | The space-separated list of tags files.
terse | Short error messages.
to | timeout - If this option is set, append mode
| mappings will be interpreted only if they're
| typed fast enough.
ts=<*> | tabstop - The length of a &ltht> warning: this is
| only IN the editor, outside of it &ltht&gts have
| their normal length (default 8 positions).
wa | writeany - No checks when writing (dangerous).
warn | Warn you when you try to quit without writing.
wi=<*> | window - The default number of lines vi shows.
wm=<*> | wrapmargin - In append mode vi automatically
| puts a &ltlf> whenever there is a &ltsp> or &ltht>
| within &ltwm> columns from the right margin
| (0 = don't put a &ltlf> in the file, yet put it
| on the screen).
ws | wrapscan - When searching, the end is
| considered `stuck' to the begin of the file.

:set &ltoption> | Turn &ltoption> on.
:set no&ltoption> | Turn &ltoption> off.
:set &ltoption>=&ltvalue> | Set &ltoption> to &ltvalue&gt.
:set | Show all non-default options and their values.
:set &ltoption>? | Show &ltoption>'s value.
:set all | Show all options and their values.

☆ [Origin: ◎椰林风情◎] [From: woju.g1.ntu.edu.tw ] [Login: **] [Post: **]



    Node.js,简称Node,是一个开源且跨平台的JavaScript运行时环境,它允许在浏览器外运行JavaScript代码。Node.js于2009年由Ryan Dahl创立,旨在创建高性能的Web服务器和网络应用程序。它基于Google Chrome的V8 JavaScript引擎,可以在Windows、Linux、Unix、Mac OS X等操作系统上运行。 Node.js的特点之一是事件驱动和非阻塞I/O模型,这使得它非常适合处理大量并发连接,从而在构建实时应用程序如在线游戏、聊天应用以及实时通讯服务时表现卓越。此外,Node.js使用了模块化的架构,通过npm(Node package manager,Node包管理器),社区成员可以共享和复用代码,极大地促进了Node.js生态系统的发展和扩张。 Node.js不仅用于服务器端开发。随着技术的发展,它也被用于构建工具链、开发桌面应用程序、物联网设备等。Node.js能够处理文件系统、操作数据库、处理网络请求等,因此,开发者可以用JavaScript编写全栈应用程序,这一点大大提高了开发效率和便捷性。 在实践中,许多大型企业和组织已经采用Node.js作为其Web应用程序的开发平台,如Netflix、PayPal和Walmart等。它们利用Node.js提高了应用性能,简化了开发流程,并且能更快地响应市场需求。



    基于Faster RCNN的人脸检测识别系统python源码+项目说明+wider-face数据集.zip

    基于Faster RCNN的人脸检测识别系统python源码+项目说明+wider_face数据集.zip ### 三,使用说明 1. 锚框的大小为[128、256、512],比率为[1:1、1:2、2:1]。 2. tensorflow的版本是'1.9.0',keras的版本是'2.1.5',除了使用tensorflow2.0之后版本,其他版本都可以尝试。不支持python2.x。 3. 使用的是tensorflow backend,theano可以自行修改。 4. wider face的Label文件格式与VOC2012的label不同,而我使用的Faster RCNN需要VOC2012的格式,所以需要将label文件转换一下格式。具体可以查看 [https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37431083/article/details/102742322](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37431083/article/details/102742322) 5. 在训练过程中可能会出现`"ValueError: 'a' cannot be empty


    1985-2022年广东省企业专利明细数据-专利名称专利类型专利摘要专利授权专利 分类号等 1、数据说明: 在知识经济时代,技术创新是实现经济内生增长的关键动力, 科技优势成为经济竞争优势的根本源泉。新一轮科技革命和产业变革加速,全球创新速度加 快,我国正在经历发展方式转变、经济结构优化、新旧动能转换的攻关期,创新日益成为破 解发展难题的关键。专利作为技术与知识的载体,其申请数量是创新研究中衡量创新最常用 的指标之一,中国成为创新领先国家也同样体现在专利申请量上。改革开放 40 年来, 我们的知识产权事业取得了举世瞩目的巨大成功,但也面临着“大而不强”的问题。引导专 利从追求数量向提高质量转变,这是国家近几年的政策扶持重点,也是未来专利申请审查的 一个风向标,针对海量专利数据的价值识别与预测,逐渐成为当前的研究热点。 本数据提 供了1985-2022年广东省的企业专利明细数据,可用于各类专利相关研究。 2、 数据来源: 数据来源为国家知识产权局,利用知识产权局的高级检索,选择地区、年份、 专利类型,对全国31省的各类专利进行统计并将检索结果整理为面板数据,包括发明公开 、发明授权、实用

    Kaggle竞赛 稻田病害分类-python源码.zip

    Kaggle竞赛 稻田病害分类-python源码.zip


    文件目录解释 # 1. Models 用来存放的模型,可以是已有的Paddle格式的模型 # 2. Pages - assets 用到的图片资源 - assets.qrc 使用PySide生成的样式文件 - assets_rc.py GUI界面的样式文件,此目录和根目录都有,我忘记是调用的哪一个了,所以都保留了。 # 3. Utils - AttResNet.py 网络代码 - DatasetProcess.py 数据集处理代码 - FaceDetection.py 人脸检测代码 - Predict.py 模型预测代码 - VisualTrain.py 模型训练代码 - CSV文件 用来保存数据集和创建的信息 # 4. Dataset 存放数据集的目录 注意事项 * # 配置好环境,安装使用PySide的工具,不会安装见如下以PyCharm为例的说明 1. 依次点击 File:arrow_right:Settings:arrow_right:Tools:arrow_right:External Tools:arrow_right::heavy_plus_sign:添加PySide工具,




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    基于普中51开发板的超声波测距+蜂鸣器报警 (附开发板原理图)

    基于普中51开发板的超声波测距+蜂鸣器报警 (附开发板原理图) 基于普中51开发板的超声波测距+蜂鸣器报警 (附开发板原理图)




    每个压缩包都附有数据表和数据来源 信心指数 1.投资者信心指数表 数据区间:20 08.04-2022.09,月度数据(数据库中该项数据的全部内容) 字段设置:全 选 全部字段: DeclareDate [发布日期] - YYYY-MM-DD SgnMonth [统计月度] - YYYY-MM IndexCode [指数编 码] - Q4001信心指数;Q4002国内经济基本面;Q4003国内经济政策; Q4004国际经济金融环境;Q4005股票估值;Q4006大盘乐观;Q4007大 盘反弹;Q4008大盘抗跌;Q4009买入; Name [指数名称] - 信心指 数;国内经济基本面;国内经济政策;国际经济金融环境;股票估值;大盘乐观;大盘反弹 ;大盘抗跌;买入; Value [当月值] - LastValue [上月值] - Mom [环比增减] - 压缩包所含文件: 数据样例: 2.消费者信心指数表 数据区间:1999.01-2022.09,月度数据(数据库中该项数据的全部内容 ) 字段设置:全选 全部字段: SgnMonth [统计月度] - YYYY-M M Expect




    Node.js,简称Node,是一个开源且跨平台的JavaScript运行时环境,它允许在浏览器外运行JavaScript代码。Node.js于2009年由Ryan Dahl创立,旨在创建高性能的Web服务器和网络应用程序。它基于Google Chrome的V8 JavaScript引擎,可以在Windows、Linux、Unix、Mac OS X等操作系统上运行。 Node.js的特点之一是事件驱动和非阻塞I/O模型,这使得它非常适合处理大量并发连接,从而在构建实时应用程序如在线游戏、聊天应用以及实时通讯服务时表现卓越。此外,Node.js使用了模块化的架构,通过npm(Node package manager,Node包管理器),社区成员可以共享和复用代码,极大地促进了Node.js生态系统的发展和扩张。 Node.js不仅用于服务器端开发。随着技术的发展,它也被用于构建工具链、开发桌面应用程序、物联网设备等。Node.js能够处理文件系统、操作数据库、处理网络请求等,因此,开发者可以用JavaScript编写全栈应用程序,这一点大大提高了开发效率和便捷性。 在实践中,许多大型企业和组织已经采用Node.js作为其Web应用程序的开发平台,如Netflix、PayPal和Walmart等。它们利用Node.js提高了应用性能,简化了开发流程,并且能更快地响应市场需求。

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    变量如下: Ctnb[城市编号]-城市编号 Prvn[所属省份]-城市所属的省份 Pftn[所属地级市]-城市所属的地级市 Ctn[城市名称]-城市名称 Dat e[日期]-天气数据发布的时间 Dywek[星期时间]-星期时间 Htmpt[最 高气温]-当天天气最高气温,单位:℃ Ltmpt[最低气温]-当天天气最低气温, 单位:℃ Wthcdt[天气情况]-当天天气的具体状况 Wnddrt[风向]-当 天天气风吹来的方向 Wndfrc[风力]-当天天气风力级别 数据展示:


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    低碳试点城市名单以及程序处理 将选为“低碳城市”试点城市的虚拟变量作为核心解释变 量,当一个城市被批复成为“低碳城市”试点城市当年及以后,该变量取值为1,未入选则 为0

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