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Jquery Plugin:Select box manipulation


Jquery相当强大,但是在操作Select的时候,还是比较麻烦,不尽人意,近来在使用Jquery时发现一个问题,如果通过如下方式动态添加select 的option 由于不是以Dom方式添加到Doml树中,因此操作option会有些问题:

  var htmlselect = '<option selected=""selected"" value="""">请选择</option>';
htmlselect = htmlselect+'<option value=""A"">A</option>';
htmlselect = htmlselect+'<option value=""B+"">B+</option>';
htmlselect = htmlselect+'<option value=""B"">B</option>';
htmlselect = htmlselect+'<option value=""C+"">C+</option>';
htmlselect = htmlselect+'<option value=""C"">C</option>';
htmlselect = htmlselect+'<option value=""D+"">D+</option>';
htmlselect = htmlselect+'<option value=""D"">D</option>';
htmlselect = htmlselect+'<option value=""E+"">E+</option>';
htmlselect = htmlselect+'<option value=""E"">E</option>';
htmlselect = htmlselect+'<option value=""F+"">F+</option>';
htmlselect = htmlselect+'<option value=""F"">F</option>';

alert($("#Select1")[0].options[1].value); //此处不能正常访问

for(var i=0;i<$("#Select1")[0].options.length;i++)
$("#Select1")[0].options[i].selected ="true";

下面推荐一个Jquery Plugin:Select box manipulation

$("#Select1").empty(); //建议调用,否则有些小问题。
$("#Select1").removeOption(/./); //清空

var myOptions = {
"" : "请选择",
"A" : "A",
"B+" : "B+",
"B" : "B",
"C+" : "C+",
"C" : "C",
"D+" : "D+",
"D" : "D",
"E+" : "E+",
"E" : "E",
"F+" : "F+",
"F" : "F"
$("#Select1").addOption(myOptions, false);

alert($("#Select1")[0].options[1].value); //此处可以正常访问

for(var i=0;i<$("#Select1")[0].options.length;i++)
$("#Select1")[0].options[i].selected ="true";



You can add a single option: $("#myselect").addOption("Value", "Text");, change the text of an existing option: $("#myselect").addOption("Value", "Text Replacement"); or add multiple options using a hash:

var myOptions = {
"Value 1" : "Text 1",
"Value 2" : "Text 2",
"Value 3" : "Text 3"
$("#myselect2").addOption(myOptions, false); // use true if you want to select the added options

ajaxAddOption(url[, params, select, fn, args])

Add options via AJAX (page must return valid JSON, sample below): $("#myselect2").ajaxAddOption("ajaxoptions.js");.

"ajax1": "AJAX option 1",
"ajax2": "AJAX option 2",
"ajax3": "AJAX option 3"


  • url - Page to get options from (must be valid JSON)
  • params (optional) - Any parameters to send with the request
  • select (optional) - Select the added options, default true
  • fn (optional) - call this function with the select object as param after completion
  • args - (optional) array with params to pass to the function afterwards

removeOption(index/value/regex[, selectedOnly])

Remove an option by index: $("#myselect2").removeOption(0); or value: $("#myselect").removeOption("Value"); or with a regular expression: $("#myselect").removeOption(/^val/i);. To remove all options, you can do $("#myselect").removeOption(/./);

If you supply a second parameter as a boolean (true, false), then only options that have been selected (and matched) will be removed: $("#myselect2").removeOption("Value 2", true);.


Sorting is done as follows: $("#myselect2").sortOptions(false); (descending) or $("#myselect2").sortOptions(); (ascending)

selectOptions(value[, clear])

Select options by value, using a string as the parameter $("#myselect2").selectOptions("Value 1");, or a regular expression $("#myselect2").selectOptions(/^val/i);. You can also clear already selected options: $("#myselect2").selectOptions("Value 2", true);

Originally coded by Mathias Bank, with a modification to allow it to take a regular expression.

copyOptions(to[, which])

You can copy options from one select to another: $("#myselect").copyOptions("#myselect2"); (copy selected options) or $("#myselect").copyOptions("#myselect2", "all"); (copy all options)

containsOption(value[, fn])

Checks if a select box has an option with the supplied value


  • value - Which value to check for. Can be a string or regular expression
    e.g. if( $("#myselect").containsOption("val1") ) { ... } or if( $("#myselect").containsOption(/^val/i) ) { ... }
  • fn (optional) - Function to apply if an option with the given value is found. Use this if you don't want to break the chaining
    e.g. $("#myselect").containsOption("val1", copyoption).doSomethingElseWithSelect(); // calls copyoption (user defined function) for any options found, chain is continued


Returns values which have been selected. $("#myselect2").selectedValues(). Returns an array.

下载地址:jQuery Select Box SVN


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