
git related


1  see all detailed git info about single file

git log --pretty=oneline filename

 2 把git diff显示的变成文件(文件名字pp)

  git diff >pp

3查找git提交log中包含的key words

git log --grep='OTA' ./

 4 修改分支名

 git branch -m currentBranchName newname

5 提交到远程分支,新分支

  git push origin local_brach_name

6 本地初始化空git仓库

 git init 之后就可以git add 和commit了。


git remote add origin ssh://ip_address ~/xxx/.git
git push origin master


 8 git apply: trailing whitespace.







9 git remote rm origin 删除远程分支

   git remote -v 查看远程有几个分支

10 git rm -r foldername 删除文件夹





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    pragmatic guide to git

    The right-hand page contains commands that focus on the task at hand, and cross references to other tasks that are related. You'll find what you need fast. Git is rapidly becoming the de-facto ...

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    Git Pocket Guide.pdf

    Any body of related files evolving over time, which we’ll call a “project,” is a candidate for using Git. With Git, you can: • Examine the state of your project at earlier points in time • Show ...


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    - opening a freshly cloned shallow repository failed if a commit listed in .git/shallow was not present in the repository - GitHub: query was not tolerant in case of missing parent repositories - ...


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