
Solr: index product and price for sellers and perfoming query and sorting

  • Solr

In my current project,  the modle seller has multiply products with price,  I want to index products and query them then sorting them by price , seller's credit ,the distance between the seller and the user while highlighting the matched products.


Due to solr flatten one-to-many relationship, so I should use multiVlaude field to store products and their prices for a seller. 

The schema likes

<field name="id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" multiValued="false" /> 
   <field name="name" type="text_ch" indexed="true" stored="true" />
   <field name="district" type="text_ch" indexed="true" stored="true" />
   <field name="location" type="location_rpt" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
   <field name="commodities" type="text_ch" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
   <field name="price" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>


the data indexed likes

    <str name="id">1</str>
    <str name="name">宜宾燃面</str>
    <arr name="location">
    <int name="credit">90</int>
    <str name="district">北京西城区</str>
    <date name="created_at">2015-06-18T15:34:34Z</date>
    <arr name="commodities">
    <arr name="price">
    <long name="_version_">1510459679273123840</long>
    <str name="data_source">seller</str></doc>


The option can't sort product by price.


How to do it?


How about to create two cores to meet  my demands?

sellers likes

    <str name="id">1</str>
    <str name="name">宜宾燃面</str>
    <arr name="location">
    <int name="credit">90</int>
    <str name="district">北京西城区</str>
    <date name="created_at">2015-06-18T15:34:34Z</date>
    <long name="_version_">1510545445415288832</long>
    <str name="data_source">seller</str></doc>


products likes

    <str name="id">1</str>
    <str name="name">炒面</str>
    <str name="seller_id">1</str>
    <long name="price">21</long>
    <long name="_version_">1510545648643997696</long></doc>


query likes

 "params": {
      "d": "50",
      "indent": "true",
      "spatial": "true",
      "sfield": "location",
      "hl.simple.pre": "<em>",
      "wt": "json",
      "hl": "true",
      "fl": "*,score,dist:geodist()",
      "q": "*:* AND _val_:\"product(scale(credit,1,10),recip(geodist(),3,1,0.1))\"\n",
      "pt": "30.548526,104.062889",
      "_": "1440573751492",
      "hl.simple.post": "</em>",
      "fq": [
        "{!join fromIndex=products toIndex=sellers from=seller_id to=id} name:我要一份牛肉面",


but this option can not sort docs by  product's price and highlighting not work.  Meanwhile the product's fileds will not returned.



How about using nested document model?

but. I found this

All children of a parent document must be indexed together with the parent document. One cannot update any document (parent or child) individually. The entire block needs to be re-indexed of any changes need to be made.


Due to seller  updating his products frequently, this option cann't meet our situation.
















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