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about action





         <part id="org.eclipse.dltk.ui.ScriptExplorer"/>



ScriptExplorerPart#createPartControl(then call fillActionBars()),NavigateActionGroup,OpenViewActionGroup#createSiteActions


        fOpenTypeHierarchy= new OpenTypeHierarchyAction(site);



IScriptEditorActionDefinitionIds.OPEN_TYPE_HIERARCHY equals to "org.eclipse.dltk.ui.edit.text.script.open.type.hierarchy"




if the retarget property of the action tag is true,view and editor parts may supply a handler for
 this action using the standard mechanism for setting a global action handler on their site using this
 action's identifier. If this attribute is true, the class attribute should not be supplied.


we can see the retargeted actionset is associated with class ScriptExplorerPart,so we can find the actual action OpenTypeHierarchyAction step by step.



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