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blazeds 自带的日志记录功能

  • Flex

 在mxml添加<mx:TraceTarget level="1"/>,level代表日志等级,就是all,debug,info,error等。。。。


        <target class="flex.messaging.log.ConsoleTarget" level="Debug">
                <prefix>[Flex] </prefix>


tomcat console:

[Flex] 02/09/2011 16:38:38.812 [WARN] [Configuration] HttpFlexSession has not been registered as a listener in web.xml for this application so no events will be dispatched to FlexSessionAttributeListeners or FlexSessionBindingListeners. To correct this, register flex.messaging.HttpFlexSession as a listener in web.xml.
[Flex] 02/09/2011 16:38:38.890 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.FlexSession] FlexSession created with id '7FAD3A28CFC179E2783613C195B0B985' for an Http-based client connection.
[Flex] 02/09/2011 16:38:38.906 [INFO] [Endpoint.General] Channel endpoint my-amf received request.
[Flex] 02/09/2011 16:38:39.015 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.AMF] Deserializing AMF/HTTP request
Version: 3
  (Message #0 targetURI=null, responseURI=/1)
    (Array #0)
      [0] = (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage')
        operation = 5
        correlationId = ""
        messageId = "EB7AB2B6-EFA3-6054-8930-09927DCCFAB0"
        timestamp = 0
        headers = (Object #1)
          DSId = "nil"
          DSMessagingVersion = 1
        destination = ""
        body = (Object #2)
        clientId = null
        timeToLive = 0

[Flex] 02/09/2011 16:38:39.156 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.AMF] Serializing AMF/HTTP response
Version: 3
  (Message #0 targetURI=/1/onResult, responseURI=)
    (Externalizable Object #0 'DSK')
      (Object #1)
        DSMPIO = (Typed Object #2 'flex.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceInfo')
          serverPreAdapterTime = 0.0
          serverPreAdapterExternalTime = 0.0
          infoType = null
          sendTime = 1.29724071914E12
          recordMessageTimes = false
          serverPrePushTime = 0.0
          pushedFlag = false
          serverPostAdapterExternalTime = 0.0
          receiveTime = 0.0
          messageSize = 0.0
          overheadTime = 0.0
          recordMessageSizes = false
          serverPostAdapterTime = 0.0
        DSMessagingVersion = 1.0
        DSId = "655EA75C-C708-C158-A04B-EEACB497D065"
(Byte Array #3, Length 16)
(Byte Array #4, Length 16)
(Byte Array #5, Length 16)

[Flex] 02/09/2011 16:38:39.203 [INFO] [Endpoint.General] Channel endpoint my-amf received request.
[Flex] 02/09/2011 16:38:39.218 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.AMF] Deserializing AMF/HTTP request
Version: 3
  (Message #0 targetURI=null, responseURI=/2)
    (Array #0)
      [0] = (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage')
        source = null
        operation = "sayHello"
        messageId = "E2EC4EA3-01CB-F22C-0CCB-09927D7EA4CB"
        timestamp = 0
        headers = (Object #1)
          DSId = "655EA75C-C708-C158-A04B-EEACB497D065"
          DSEndpoint = "my-amf"
        destination = "FirstJavaClassRemoteObject"
        body = (Array #2)
          [0] = "hi~你好"
        clientId = null
        timeToLive = 0

[Flex] 02/09/2011 16:38:39.218 [DEBUG] [Service.Remoting] Adapter 'java-object' called 'com.test.FirstJavaClass.sayHello(java.util.Arrays$ArrayList (Collection size:1)
  [0] = hi~你好
[Flex] 02/09/2011 16:38:39.218 [DEBUG] [Service.Remoting] Result: '你说的是:hi~你好'
[Flex] 02/09/2011 16:38:39.218 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.AMF] Serializing AMF/HTTP response
Version: 3
  (Message #0 targetURI=/2/onResult, responseURI=)
    (Externalizable Object #0 'DSK')
(Object #1)
        DSMPIO = (Typed Object #2 'flex.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceInfo')
          serverPreAdapterTime = 0.0
          serverPreAdapterExternalTime = 0.0
          infoType = null
          sendTime = 1.297240719218E12
          recordMessageTimes = false
          serverPrePushTime = 0.0
          pushedFlag = false
          serverPostAdapterExternalTime = 0.0
          receiveTime = 0.0
          messageSize = 0.0
          overheadTime = 0.0
          recordMessageSizes = false
          serverPostAdapterTime = 0.0
(Byte Array #3, Length 16)
(Byte Array #4, Length 16)
(Byte Array #5, Length 16)

  flex console:

0AE5DD11-6F38-C4D2-9B38-09927560A495' producer set destination to 'FirstJavaClassRemoteObject'.
'0AE5DD11-6F38-C4D2-9B38-09927560A495' producer sending message 'E2EC4EA3-01CB-F22C-0CCB-09927D7EA4CB'
'my-amf' channel endpoint set to http://localhost:8080/flex_blazeds3/messagebroker/amf
'my-amf' channel settings are:
<channel id="my-amf" type="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
  <endpoint uri="http://{server.name}:{server.port}/flex_blazeds3/messagebroker/amf"/>
'my-amf' pinging endpoint.
'my-amf' channel is connected.
'my-amf' channel sending message:
  body = (Array)#1
    [0] "hi~你好"
  clientId = (null)
  destination = "FirstJavaClassRemoteObject"
  headers = (Object)#2
  messageId = "E2EC4EA3-01CB-F22C-0CCB-09927D7EA4CB"
  operation = "sayHello"
  source = (null)
  timestamp = 0
  timeToLive = 0
'0AE5DD11-6F38-C4D2-9B38-09927560A495' producer connected.
'0AE5DD11-6F38-C4D2-9B38-09927560A495' producer acknowledge of 'E2EC4EA3-01CB-F22C-0CCB-09927D7EA4CB'.



3 楼 Fx_demon 2014-09-17  

@RemotingDestination(channels = { "my-amf" })
public class LoginService implements ILoginService {

private LoginDao loginDao;

public String getInfo() {
return  "你好 。。。访问成功 。。。嘻嘻嘻  ";

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

<!-- "productService" is defined in Spring's configuration file WEB-INF/config/web-application-config.xml
and provides remote access to the org.springframework.flex.samples.product.ProductDAO class -->
<mx:ChannelSet id="channelSet">
<mx:AMFChannel url="/flex-spring-mobile/messagebroker/amf"/>
<s:RemoteObject id="service" channelSet="{channelSet}"
<s:method name="getInfo" result="method1_resultHandler(event)"/>
<s:RemoteObject id="ro" destination="loginService" endpoint="" fault="ro_faultHandler(event)"   result="handlResult(event)" />

import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;

private function getData():void{

private function handlResult(e:ResultEvent):void

protected function ro_faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

protected function method1_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

<!--<mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{ro.findAll.lastResult}" width="100%" height="100%"/>-->

<!-- the findAll() method is defined in org.springframework.flex.samples.product.ProductDAO -->
<s:Button label="Get Info" click="ro.getInfo()"/>
<mx:Button click="getData()" x="278.5" y="186"  label="go-----点击" width="153"/>

2 楼 Fx_demon 2014-09-17  
flex 访问 spring BlazeDS 时  访问不到 求解 ?
1 楼 Fx_demon 2014-09-17  
[BlazeDS]Deserializing AMF/HTTP request
Version: 3
  (Message #0 targetURI=null, responseURI=/1)
    (Array #0)
      [0] = (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage')
        source = null
        operation = "getStocks"
        body = (Array #1)
        timeToLive = 0
        timestamp = 0
        clientId = null
        destination = "feedManager"
        headers = (Object #2)
          DSId = "5D29E406-F0D8-8295-6A0A-B9A3960CA42F"
          DSEndpoint = null
        messageId = "178988F1-D5F8-6385-5845-822E2015D25E"

[BlazeDS]Serializing AMF/HTTP response
Version: 3
  (Message #0 targetURI=/1/onStatus, responseURI=)
    (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage')
      headers = (Object #1)
      rootCause = null
      body = null
      correlationId = "178988F1-D5F8-6385-5845-822E2015D25E"
      faultDetail = null
      faultString = "No destination with id 'feedManager' is registered with any service."
      clientId = "5D29EBA8-10E8-5546-6147-626F689A436F"
      timeToLive = 0.0
      destination = "feedManager"
      timestamp = 1.410933334294E12
      extendedData = null
      faultCode = "Server.Processing"
      messageId = "5D29EC6B-608F-DCB9-75A0-C29998F2BE3F"


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