


转载新闻 COBOL语言50岁,仍担负重任

2009-04-13 12:06 by 副主编 zly06 评论(11) 有6109人浏览

软件供应商Micro Focus的英国主管David Stephenson称,英国上市公司中管理商业交易的程序有70%到80%仍然是基于COBOL。Stephenson的公司在向现有Cobol系统提供管理工具方面扮演着重要角色。

市场研究公司Forrester的Mike Gilpin称,该公司最近的相关调查显示,32%的企业表示仍在使用COBOL去进行开发或提供维护。其中多数都与IBM的产品有关,IBM的软件产品交付和策略主管Charles Chu称,他不认为“遗留”是一个贬义词。他说,“商业在不断进化,但250bn行Cobol代码工作良好,那么为什么企业要在工作良好时去替换系统?”
来自: solidot
评论 共 11 条 请登录后发表评论
11 楼 xiaozhao-521 2009-04-14 23:16
10 楼 chelson 2009-04-14 16:53
cyberblue 写道

chelson 写道
night_stalker 写道引用    According to Michael Coughlan, a lecturer at the University of Limerick, one of Cobol's perceived drawbacks is its verbosity. But he reckons that's also one of its strengths. "It's not just a write-only language," he says. "You can come back years later and understand the code."    This opinion is shared by Mike Gilpin, of Forrester, who is an ex-Cobol programmer. "Cobol is one of the few languages written in the last 50 years that's readable and understandable," he says. And he's scathing about the readability of more fashionable languages, such as PHP and Java: "Modern programming languages are ridiculously hard to understand." 我们公司也在用,说它可读性好的人只是因为太熟悉cobol语言吧,我还是觉得java可读性比它高,不过运行cobol的平台稳定性真是没的说,绝对比weblogic、websphere等服务器高得多。COBOL不用在服务器上跑吧。

9 楼 JimyChen 2009-04-14 14:02
8 楼 cyberblue 2009-04-14 10:52
chelson 写道

night_stalker 写道
    According to Michael Coughlan, a lecturer at the University of Limerick, one of Cobol's perceived drawbacks is its verbosity. But he reckons that's also one of its strengths. "It's not just a write-only language," he says. "You can come back years later and understand the code."    This opinion is shared by Mike Gilpin, of Forrester, who is an ex-Cobol programmer. "Cobol is one of the few languages written in the last 50 years that's readable and understandable," he says. And he's scathing about the readability of more fashionable languages, such as PHP and Java: "Modern programming languages are ridiculously hard to understand."


7 楼 chelson 2009-04-14 09:43
6 楼 cyberblue 2009-04-14 09:22
whaosoft 写道

COBOL 大爷好啊~!

5 楼 chelson 2009-04-14 09:11
night_stalker 写道

    According to Michael Coughlan, a lecturer at the University of Limerick, one of Cobol's perceived drawbacks is its verbosity. But he reckons that's also one of its strengths. "It's not just a write-only language," he says. "You can come back years later and understand the code."    This opinion is shared by Mike Gilpin, of Forrester, who is an ex-Cobol programmer. "Cobol is one of the few languages written in the last 50 years that's readable and understandable," he says. And he's scathing about the readability of more fashionable languages, such as PHP and Java: "Modern programming languages are ridiculously hard to understand."

4 楼 shiwuyisheng 2009-04-14 09:10
3 楼 gstripe 2009-04-14 08:43
2 楼 night_stalker 2009-04-13 12:36

    According to Michael Coughlan, a lecturer at the University of Limerick, one of Cobol's perceived drawbacks is its verbosity. But he reckons that's also one of its strengths. "It's not just a write-only language," he says. "You can come back years later and understand the code."

    This opinion is shared by Mike Gilpin, of Forrester, who is an ex-Cobol programmer. "Cobol is one of the few languages written in the last 50 years that's readable and understandable," he says. And he's scathing about the readability of more fashionable languages, such as PHP and Java: "Modern programming languages are ridiculously hard to understand."
1 楼 whaosoft 2009-04-13 12:24
COBOL 大爷好啊~!




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