


转载新闻 SpringSource收购Covalent

2008-01-30 09:10 by 见习记者 andyao 评论(1) 有3448人浏览

今天(1月29日)SpringSource(Spring背后的公司)宣布收购Covalent。Covalent成立于1988年,主要为Apache Software Foundation (ASF)项目提供支持和服务。Covalent主要为以下ASF项目提供服务:

  1. Apache HTTP Web Server
  2. Apache Tomcat Application Server
  3. Apache Geronimo J2EE Application Server
  4. Apache Axis Web Services Framework
  5. Apache Roller Blog Server
  6. Apache ActiveMQ Message Broker


* Complementary product mix. As Spring and Tomcat becomes the most popular platform for enterprise Java deployment, combining our leadership of Spring with Covalent's deep expertise in Tomcat and other Apache technologies is uniquely compelling.

* Similar culture and values. SpringSource is a company founded by outstanding technologists, and which has hired more and more throughout its history. Covalent employs outstanding engineers and support staff, including ASF Chairman and Apache HTTPD’s longest running active committer, Jim Jagielski, Apache luminary Bill Rowe, and leading Tomcat developer Filip Hanik, among others. We're all excited about working together, and we can learn from each other. I'm honored to have these guys join our team, and very happy that they are enthusiastic about it.

* Credible open source support. We believe that credible open source support can only be provided by companies making a sustained investment in open source development and employing key committers on supported projects.

* Alignment of business goals. We're excited to have Covalent CEO Mark Brewer and COO Ryan Lindsay joining our executive team. They have a deep understanding of open source business gained through years of experience, and they can help us achieve our shared vision.

* Ability to provide the best possible support. As support becomes more and more important to our business, acquiring Covalent's support infrastructure and expertise will allow us to provide the runtime, production support that Covalent is known for. In turn, our global reach will make it easier to provide 24×7 support for Covalent customers.

* Shared commitment to and proven success in satisfying customers. Covalent enjoys a 95% renewal rate among its subscription customers.

* Open source business is partly about critical mass: the creation of a web of relationships around a central pole. SpringSource + Covalent is now the leading provider of support for the enterprise Java open source that matters most.



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1 楼 howdoudo 2008-02-08 22:38
Tomcat + Spring =? Weblogic ?




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