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1.采用open session in view,减少不必要的open close session的操作。
3.有人说用load data会比insert快很多,这是为什么?我对这两个东西的底层不熟悉。我这个情况适合用load data么?
1. 合理
2. 12000 / 20 = 600 per second, 你的db server好强......
3. load data 不是查询么?和insert有什么关系?
4. 偶不知道


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那个db server其实是一台烂机子,pIII800 256M,和web server是同一台,可能是我的每条记录比较短吧,所以会快一点。我对数据库的速度没有数量级上的概念,呵呵
那个load data是mysql里面的一个命令,可以导入文本文件里面的数据到mysql里面。据偶同事说会比直接程序里面insert快很多。但是我不知道为什么会这样。
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2G的文件?你的老大不是在说笑吧? 用户通过http方式upload 2G 文件不知道么花多久的时间呢......

查了一下mysql文档, 发现它说的load data infile命令比insert要快20倍, 强的......

When loading a table from a text file, use LOAD DATA INFILE. This is usually 20 times faster than using a lot of INSERT statements. See section 14.1.5 LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax.


7.2.14 Speed of INSERT Statements

The time to insert a record is determined by the following factors, where the numbers indicate approximate proportions:

    * Connecting: (3)
    * Sending query to server: (2)
    * Parsing query: (2)
    * Inserting record: (1 x size of record)
    * Inserting indexes: (1 x number of indexes)
    * Closing: (1)

This does not take into consideration the initial overhead to open tables, which is done once for each concurrently running query.

The size of the table slows down the insertion of indexes by log N, assuming B-tree indexes.

You can use the following methods to speed up inserts:

    * If you are inserting many rows from the same client at the same time, use INSERT statements with multiple VALUES lists to insert several rows at a time. This is much faster (many times faster in some cases) than using separate single-row INSERT statements. If you are adding data to a non-empty table, you may tune the bulk_insert_buffer_size variable to make it even faster. See section 5.2.3 Server System Variables.
    * If you are inserting a lot of rows from different clients, you can get higher speed by using the INSERT DELAYED statement. See section 14.1.4 INSERT Syntax.
    * With MyISAM tables you can insert rows at the same time that SELECT statements are running if there are no deleted rows in the tables.
    * When loading a table from a text file, use LOAD DATA INFILE. This is usually 20 times faster than using a lot of INSERT statements. See section 14.1.5 LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax.
    * With some extra work, it is possible to make LOAD DATA INFILE run even faster when the table has many indexes. Use the following procedure:
         1. Optionally create the table with CREATE TABLE.
         2. Execute a FLUSH TABLES statement or a @command{mysqladmin flush-tables} command.
         3. Use @command{myisamchk --keys-used=0 -rq /path/to/db/tbl_name.} This will remove all use of all indexes for the table.
         4. Insert data into the table with LOAD DATA INFILE. This will not update any indexes and will therefore be very fast.
         5. If you are going to only read the table in the future, use @command{myisampack} to make it smaller. See section Compressed Table Characteristics.
         6. Re-create the indexes with @command{myisamchk -r -q /path/to/db/tbl_name}. This will create the index tree in memory before writing it to disk, which is much faster because it avoids lots of disk seeks. The resulting index tree is also perfectly balanced.
         7. Execute a FLUSH TABLES statement or a @command{mysqladmin flush-tables} command.
      Note that LOAD DATA INFILE also performs the preceding optimization if you insert into an empty MyISAM table; the main difference is that you can let @command{myisamchk} allocate much more temporary memory for the index creation than you might want the server to allocate for index re-creation when it executes the LOAD DATA INFILE statement. As of MySQL 4.0, you can also use ALTER TABLE tbl_name DISABLE KEYS instead of @command{myisamchk --keys-used=0 -rq /path/to/db/tbl_name} and ALTER TABLE tbl_name ENABLE KEYS instead of @command{myisamchk -r -q /path/to/db/tbl_name}. This way you can also skip the FLUSH TABLES steps.
    * You can speed up INSERT operations that are done with multiple statements by locking your tables:

INSERT INTO a VALUES (1,23),(2,34),(4,33);
INSERT INTO a VALUES (8,26),(6,29);

      A performance benefit occurs because the index buffer is flushed to disk only onc, after all INSERT statements have completed. Normally there would be as many index buffer flushes as there are different INSERT statements. Explicit locking statements are not needed if you can insert all rows with a single statement. For transactional tables, you should use BEGIN/COMMIT instead of LOCK TABLES to get a speedup. Locking also lowers the total time of multiple-connection tests, although the maximum wait time for individual connections might go up because they wait for locks. For example:

Connection 1 does 1000 inserts
Connections 2, 3, and 4 do 1 insert
Connection 5 does 1000 inserts

      If you don't use locking, connections 2, 3, and 4 will finish before 1 and 5. If you use locking, connections 2, 3, and 4 probably will not finish before 1 or 5, but the total time should be about 40% faster. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations are very fast in MySQL, but you will obtain better overall performance by adding locks around everything that does more than about five inserts or updates in a row. If you do very many inserts in a row, you could do a LOCK TABLES followed by an UNLOCK TABLES once in a while (about each 1,000 rows) to allow other threads access to the table. This would still result in a nice performance gain. INSERT is still much slower for loading data than LOAD DATA INFILE, even when using the strategies just outlined.
    * To get some more speed for MyISAM tables, for both LOAD DATA INFILE and INSERT, enlarge the key cache by increasing the key_buffer_size system variable. See section 7.5.2 Tuning Server Parameters.
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我上面也说了,一个是通过上传(较小的文件),另一个是通过让用户选择服务器上的数据文件。这个文件可以是ftp上去或者本身就已经在服务器上的。所以2G大小的文件肯定不是http upload 的。
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兄台还是直接写SHELL脚本用LOAD DATA吧,简单方便。
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