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Javascript 事件编程 (二)

Event Handlers and the this Keyword

When your event handler is invoked, it is invoked as a method of the element on which the event occurred, so the this keyword refers to that target element. This behavior is useful and unsurprising.

Be sure, however, that you understand the implications. Suppose you have an object o with a method mymethod. You might register an event handler like this:


这里面有很多的隐含意义. 假设你有一个带有一些方法的对象,你可能会把事件处理程序注册成这个样子:

button.onclick= o.mymethod;

This statement makes button.onclick refer to the same function that o.mymethod does. This function is now a method of both o and button. When the browser triggers this event handler, it invokes the function as a method of the button object, not as a method of o. The this keyword refers to the Button object, not to your object o. Do not make the mistake of thinking you can trick the browser into invoking an event handler as a method of some other object. If you want to do that, you must do it explicitly, like this:

button.onclick = function( ) { o.mymethod( ); }

Scope of Event Handlers

When you define an event handler by setting the value of an HTML attribute to a string of JavaScript code, you are implicitly defining a JavaScript function.

Event handlers defined as HTML attributes have a more complex scope chain than this. The head of the scope chain is the call object.
The head of the scope chain is the call object. Any arguments passed to the event handler are defined here), as are any local variables declared in the body of the event handler.

The next object in an event handler's scope chain isn't the global object, however; it is the object that triggered the event handler.


  <!-- In event handlers, "this" refers to the target element of the event -->
  <!-- So we can refer to a sibling element in the form like this -->
  <input id="b1" type="button" value="Button 1"
  <!-- The target element is also in the scope chain, so we can omit "this" -->
  <input id="b2" type="button" value="Button 2"
  <!-- And the <form> is in the scope chain, so we can omit "form". -->
  <input id="b3" type="button" value="Button 3"
  <!-- The Document object is on the scope chain, so we can use its methods -->
  <!-- without prefixing them with "document". This is bad style, though. -->
  <input id="b4" type="button" value="Button 4"

As you can see from this sample code, the scope chain of an event handler does not stop with the object that defines the handler: it proceeds up the containment hierarchy and includes, at a minimum, the HTML <form> element that contains the button and the Document object that contains the form.
  • The final object in the scope chain is the Window object, because it always is in client-side JavaScript.

  • 在上面的例子当中,事件处理函数的作用域链并没有在定义事件处理函数的对象上就停止了;而是继续沿着文档树衍生,至少它到达了<form>元素,而<form>元素是包含按钮等表单元素;紧接着的是document对象;作用域链的最后一个对象是Window对象,这个在客户端JS中是一致的。

    <input id="b3" type="button" value="Button 3"

    var b3 = document.getElementById('b3'); // Find the button we're interested in
    b3.onclick = function( ) {
        with (document) {
            with(this.form) {
                with(this) {

    In an event handler defined as an HTML attribute, however, the Document object is in the scope chain before the Window object, and using open by itself refers to the document.open( ) method. Similarly, consider what would happen if you added a property named window to a Form object (or defined an input field with name="window"). If you then define an event handler within the form that uses the expression window.open( ), the identifier window resolves to the property of the Form object rather than the global Window object


    Since there is no standard for the precise composition of the scope chain of an event handler, it is safest to assume that it contains only the target element and the global Window object. For example, use this to refer to the target element, and when the target is an <input> element, feel free to use form to refer to the containing Form object instead of this.form. However, don't rely on the Form or Document objects being in the scope chain

    If you specify an event handler by assigning a function to an appropriate JavaScript event-handler property, there is no special scope chain involved



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