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由一个team内的code merge问题引发的思考

  stand up meeting上,几个做同一模块的同事都说到merger代码很头疼,花费了很多effort,有同事重构了sub module依赖的base code, 有多位同事修改了相同的文件。SCM为CC,每个人有自己的sub-stream 和view。
  简单看一下,问题很common,每个人闷头做自己的task, code merge的频率小,UT滞后于source code。比较忙,不详细分析了:
  2、后续的重构当然需要,但有相应的UT保证重构的正确性吗,先run GUI测试功能后补UT的做法目的是什么,只为了clover生成的覆盖率?
  3、base code 重构,也要对依赖它们的code做相应的修改,code merge的情况在team中很正常,尽快提交,尽早merge,小步前进,对于多人更改频繁的code,pair-programming不正减少了更改code的“人”数吗,对于framework code,改时在team里说一声并不是难事。


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    Araxis Merge Professional 2012.4162 (x86/x64).part2

    Use it to compare and merge source code, web pages, XML and other text files with native application performance. Directly open and compare the text from Microsoft Office (Word and Excel), ...


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    EGit用户指南 Starting merge from the Team menu Starting merge from the Git Repositories View Merge options Possible merge results Merge Result dialog 3.9.2 ...


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    a project model for the FreeBSD Project.7z

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    :pencil: YAPP 18기알고리즘스터디2팀 成员 ...merge : 내 레포에서 올린 pull request를 현재 organization의 alogorithm-study 레포에 합치기 폴더구조 름기이름/周(주차)/문제번호이및 公关 标题


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