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Mina 过滤器定义

  • Mina
MINA TCP简单通信实例:http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2375297
Mina 过滤链默认构建器:http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2375985
package org.apache.mina.common;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import org.apache.mina.filter.ReferenceCountingIoFilter;
 * A filter which intercepts {@link IoHandler} events like Servlet
 * filters.  Filters can be used for these purposes:
 * [list]
 *   [*]Event logging,
 *   [*]Performance measurement,
 *   [*]Authorization,
 *   [*]Overload control,
 *   [*]Message transformation (e.g. encryption and decryption, ...),
 *   [*]and many more.

 * [/list]
 * <p>
 * [b]Please NEVER implement your filters to wrap
 * {@link IoSession}s.[/b] Users can cache the reference to the
 * session, which might malfunction if any filters are added or removed later.
 * 坚决不要在实现过滤器时,wrap会话。用户可以缓存会话的引用,如果过滤器添加或移除过后,
 * <h3>The Life Cycle</h3>声明周期
 * {@link IoFilter}s are activated only when they are inside {@link IoFilterChain}.
 * <p>当过滤器添加到过滤链上,过滤器被激活
 * When you add an {@link IoFilter} to an {@link IoFilterChain}:
 * [list=1]当添加一个过滤器到过滤链上时:
 *   <li>{@link #init()} is invoked by {@link ReferenceCountingIoFilter} if
 *       the filter is added at the first time.</li>
 *   <li>{@link #onPreAdd(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} is invoked to notify
 *       that the filter will be added to the chain.</li>
 *   <li>The filter is added to the chain, and all events and I/O requests
 *       pass through the filter from now.</li>
 *   <li>{@link #onPostAdd(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} is invoked to notify
 *       that the filter is added to the chain.</li>
 *   <li>The filter is removed from the chain if {@link #onPostAdd(IoFilterChain, String, org.apache.mina.common.IoFilter.NextFilter)}
 *       threw an exception.  {@link #destroy()} is also invoked by
 *       {@link ReferenceCountingIoFilter} if the filter is the last filter which
 *       was added to {@link IoFilterChain}s.</li>
 * [/list]
 * <p>
 * When you remove an {@link IoFilter} from an {@link IoFilterChain}:
 * [list=1]
 *   <li>{@link #onPreRemove(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} is invoked to
 *       notify that the filter will be removed from the chain.</li>
 *   <li>The filter is removed from the chain, and any events and I/O requests
 *       don't pass through the filter from now.</li>
 *   <li>{@link #onPostRemove(IoFilterChain, String, NextFilter)} is invoked to
 *       notify that the filter is removed from the chain.</li>
 *   <li>{@link #destroy()} is invoked by {@link ReferenceCountingIoFilter} if
 *       the removed filter was the last one.</li>
 * [/list]      
 * @author The Apache Directory Project (mina-dev@directory.apache.org)
 * @version $Rev$, $Date$
 * @see IoFilterAdapter
public interface IoFilter {
     * Invoked by {@link ReferenceCountingIoFilter} when this filter
     * is added to a {@link IoFilterChain} at the first time, so you can
     * initialize shared resources.  Please note that this method is never
     * called if you don't wrap a filter with {@link ReferenceCountingIoFilter}.
    void init() throws Exception;

     * Invoked by {@link ReferenceCountingIoFilter} when this filter
     * is not used by any {@link IoFilterChain} anymore, so you can destroy
     * shared resources.  Please note that this method is never called if
     * you don't wrap a filter with {@link ReferenceCountingIoFilter}.
    void destroy() throws Exception;

     * Invoked before this filter is added to the specified <tt>parent</tt>.
     * Please note that this method can be invoked more than once if
     * this filter is added to more than one parents.  This method is not
     * invoked before {@link #init()} is invoked. 
     * @param parent the parent who called this method
     * @param name the name assigned to this filter
     * @param nextFilter the {@link NextFilter} for this filter.  You can reuse
     *                   this object until this filter is removed from the chain.
    void onPreAdd(IoFilterChain parent, String name, NextFilter nextFilter)
            throws Exception;

     * Invoked after this filter is added to the specified <tt>parent</tt>.
     * Please note that this method can be invoked more than once if
     * this filter is added to more than one parents.  This method is not
     * invoked before {@link #init()} is invoked. 
     * @param parent the parent who called this method
     * @param name the name assigned to this filter
     * @param nextFilter the {@link NextFilter} for this filter.  You can reuse
     *                   this object until this filter is removed from the chain.
    void onPostAdd(IoFilterChain parent, String name, NextFilter nextFilter)
            throws Exception;

     * Invoked before this filter is removed from the specified <tt>parent</tt>.
     * Please note that this method can be invoked more than once if
     * this filter is removed from more than one parents.
     * This method is always invoked before {@link #destroy()} is invoked.
     *  当过滤器从过滤链移除前,调用此方法,如果从多个过滤链移除,此方法可以多次调用。
     * @param parent the parent who called this method
     * @param name the name assigned to this filter
     * @param nextFilter the {@link NextFilter} for this filter.  You can reuse
     *                   this object until this filter is removed from the chain.
    void onPreRemove(IoFilterChain parent, String name, NextFilter nextFilter)
            throws Exception;

     * Invoked after this filter is removed from the specified <tt>parent</tt>.
     * Please note that this method can be invoked more than once if
     * this filter is removed from more than one parents.
     * This method is always invoked before {@link #destroy()} is invoked.
     *  当过滤器从过滤链移除后,调用此方法,如果从多个过滤链移除,此方法可以多次调用。
     * @param parent the parent who called this method
     * @param name the name assigned to this filter
     * @param nextFilter the {@link NextFilter} for this filter.  You can reuse
     *                   this object until this filter is removed from the chain.
    void onPostRemove(IoFilterChain parent, String name, NextFilter nextFilter)
            throws Exception;

     * Filters {@link IoHandler#sessionCreated(IoSession)} event.
    void sessionCreated(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session)
            throws Exception;

     * Filters {@link IoHandler#sessionOpened(IoSession)} event.
    void sessionOpened(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session)
            throws Exception;

     * Filters {@link IoHandler#sessionClosed(IoSession)} event.
    void sessionClosed(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session)
            throws Exception;

     * Filters {@link IoHandler#sessionIdle(IoSession,IdleStatus)}
     * event.
    void sessionIdle(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, IdleStatus status)
            throws Exception;

     * Filters {@link IoHandler#exceptionCaught(IoSession,Throwable)}
     * event.
    void exceptionCaught(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session,
            Throwable cause) throws Exception;

     * Filters {@link IoHandler#messageReceived(IoSession,Object)}
     * event.
    void messageReceived(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session,
            Object message) throws Exception;

     * Filters {@link IoHandler#messageSent(IoSession,Object)}
     * event.
    void messageSent(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, Object message)
            throws Exception;

     * Filters {@link IoSession#close()} method invocation.
    void filterClose(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session) throws Exception;

     * Filters {@link IoSession#write(Object)} method invocation.
    void filterWrite(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session,
            WriteRequest writeRequest) throws Exception;

     * Represents the next {@link IoFilter} in {@link IoFilterChain}.
    public interface NextFilter {
         * Forwards <tt>sessionCreated</tt> event to next filter.
        void sessionCreated(IoSession session);

         * Forwards <tt>sessionOpened</tt> event to next filter.
        void sessionOpened(IoSession session);

         * Forwards <tt>sessionClosed</tt> event to next filter.
        void sessionClosed(IoSession session);

         * Forwards <tt>sessionIdle</tt> event to next filter.
        void sessionIdle(IoSession session, IdleStatus status);

         * Forwards <tt>exceptionCaught</tt> event to next filter.
        void exceptionCaught(IoSession session, Throwable cause);

         * Forwards <tt>messageReceived</tt> event to next filter.
        void messageReceived(IoSession session, Object message);

         * Forwards <tt>messageSent</tt> event to next filter.
        void messageSent(IoSession session, Object message);

         * Forwards <tt>filterWrite</tt> event to next filter.
        void filterWrite(IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest);

         * Forwards <tt>filterClose</tt> event to next filter.
        void filterClose(IoSession session);

     * Represents write request fired by {@link IoSession#write(Object)}.
    public static class WriteRequest {
        private static final WriteFuture UNUSED_FUTURE = new WriteFuture() {
            public boolean isWritten() {
                return false;

            public void setWritten(boolean written) {
            public IoSession getSession() {
                return null;

            public Object getLock() {
                return this;

            public void join() {

            public boolean join(long timeoutInMillis) {
                return true;

            public boolean isReady() {
                return true;

            public void addListener(IoFutureListener listener) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "You can't add a listener to a dummy future.");

            public void removeListener(IoFutureListener listener) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "You can't add a listener to a dummy future.");

        private final Object message;//发送消息

        private final WriteFuture future;//写操作返回Future

        private final SocketAddress destination;//socket目的地址

         * Creates a new instance without {@link WriteFuture}.  You'll get
         * an instance of {@link WriteFuture} even if you called this constructor
         * because {@link #getFuture()} will return a bogus future.
        public WriteRequest(Object message) {
            this(message, null, null);

         * Creates a new instance with {@link WriteFuture}.
        public WriteRequest(Object message, WriteFuture future) {
            this(message, future, null);

         * Creates a new instance.
         * 根据消息,WriteFuture,消息socket目的地址构建WriteRequest
         * @param message a message to write
         * @param future a future that needs to be notified when an operation is finished
         * @param destination the destination of the message.  This property will be
         *                    ignored unless the transport supports it.
        public WriteRequest(Object message, WriteFuture future,
                SocketAddress destination) {
            if (message == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException("message");

            if (future == null) {
                future = UNUSED_FUTURE;

            this.message = message;
            this.future = future;
            this.destination = destination;

         * Returns {@link WriteFuture} that is associated with this write request.
        public WriteFuture getFuture() {
            return future;

         * Returns a message object to be written.
        public Object getMessage() {
            return message;

         * Returne the destination of this write request.
         * @return <tt>null</tt> for the default destination
        public SocketAddress getDestination() {
            return destination;

        public String toString() {
            return message.toString();

       IoFilter添加到过滤链时,一般以ReferenceCountingIoFilter包装,添加到过滤链,init方法在添加到过滤链时,由ReferenceCountingIoFilter调用,所以可以在init方法初始化一些共享资源。如果过滤器没有包装成ReferenceCountingIoFilter,init方法将不会调用。然后调用onPreAdd通知过滤器将会添加到过滤连上,当过滤器添加到过滤链上时,所有IoHandler事件和IO请求,将会被过滤器拦截当过滤器添加到过滤链上后,将会调用onPostAdd,如果方法有异常,过滤器在过滤链的链尾,ReferenceCountingIoFilter将调用#destroy方法释放共享资源。过滤器IoFilter,主要是监听会话IoSession相关事件(创建,打开,空闲,异常,关闭,接受数据,发送数据) 及IoSesssion的Write与close事件;过滤器后继NextFilter关注的事件与过滤器IoFilter相同,主要是转发相关事件。WriteRequest是会话IoSession写操作write的包装,内部有一个消息对象用于存放write的内容,一个socket地址,即会话写请求的目的socket地址,一个写请求结果返回值WriteFuture,用于获取会话write消息的操作结果。当一个过滤器从过滤链上移除时,#onPreRemove被调用,用于通知过滤器将从过滤链上移除;如果过滤器从过滤链上移除,所有IoHandler事件和IO请求,过滤器不再拦截;#onPostRemove调用通知过滤器已经从过滤链上移除;移除后,如果过滤器在过滤链的链尾,ReferenceCountingIoFilter将调用#destroy方法释放共享资源。

 * An abstract adapter class for {@link IoFilter}.  You can extend
 * this class and selectively override required event filter methods only.  All
 * methods forwards events to the next filter by default.
 * IoFilterAdapter为过滤器的抽象实现。在实现自己的过滤器时,可以扩展IoFilterAdapter,
 * @author The Apache Directory Project (mina-dev@directory.apache.org)
 * @version $Rev$, $Date$
public class IoFilterAdapter implements IoFilter {
    public void init() throws Exception {
    public void destroy() throws Exception {
    public void onPreAdd(IoFilterChain parent, String name,
            NextFilter nextFilter) throws Exception {
    public void onPostAdd(IoFilterChain parent, String name,
            NextFilter nextFilter) throws Exception {
    public void onPreRemove(IoFilterChain parent, String name,
            NextFilter nextFilter) throws Exception {
    public void onPostRemove(IoFilterChain parent, String name,
            NextFilter nextFilter) throws Exception {
    public void sessionCreated(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session)
            throws Exception {
    public void sessionOpened(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session)
            throws Exception {
    public void sessionClosed(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session)
            throws Exception {
    public void sessionIdle(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session,
            IdleStatus status) throws Exception {
        nextFilter.sessionIdle(session, status);
    public void exceptionCaught(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session,
            Throwable cause) throws Exception {
        nextFilter.exceptionCaught(session, cause);
    public void messageReceived(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session,
            Object message) throws Exception {
        nextFilter.messageReceived(session, message);
    public void messageSent(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session,
            Object message) throws Exception {
        nextFilter.messageSent(session, message);
    public void filterWrite(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session,
            WriteRequest writeRequest) throws Exception {
        nextFilter.filterWrite(session, writeRequest);
    public void filterClose(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session)
            throws Exception {

package org.apache.mina.common;

 * Represents the result of an ashynchronous I/O operation.
 * IoFuture表示一个异步操作的结果
 * @author The Apache Directory Project (mina-dev@directory.apache.org)
 * @version $Rev$, $Date$
public interface IoFuture {
     * Returns the {@link IoSession} which is associated with this future.
    IoSession getSession();

     * Returns the lock object this future acquires.
    Object getLock();

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to end.
    void join();

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to end with the specified timeout.
     * 超时等待异步IO操作完成
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the operation is finished.
    boolean join(long timeoutInMillis);

     * Returns if the asynchronous operation is finished.
    boolean isReady();

     * Adds an event <tt>listener</tt> which is notified when
     * the state of this future changes.
    void addListener(IoFutureListener listener);

     * Removes an existing event <tt>listener</tt> which is notified when
     * the state of this future changes.
    void removeListener(IoFutureListener listener);


package org.apache.mina.common;

 * An {@link IoFuture} for asynchronous write requests.
 * <h3>Example</h3>,示例:
 * <pre>
 * IoSession session = ...;
 * WriteFuture future = session.write(...);
 * // Wait until the message is completely written out to the O/S buffer.
 * future.join();//等待写操作完成
 * if( future.isWritten() )
 * {
 *     // The message has been written successfully.写操作完成
 * }
 * else
 * {
 *     // The messsage couldn't be written out completely for some reason.
 *     // (e.g. Connection is closed) 写操作没有完成
 * }
 * </pre>
 * @author The Apache Directory Project (mina-dev@directory.apache.org)
 * @version $Rev$, $Date$
public interface WriteFuture extends IoFuture {
     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if the write operation is finished successfully.
    boolean isWritten();

     * Sets whether the message is written or not, and notifies all threads
     * waiting for this future.  This method is invoked by MINA internally.
     * Please do not call this method directly.
    void setWritten(boolean written);



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    GWT Advanced Table 是一个基于 GWT 框架的网页表格组件,可实现分页数据显示、数据排序和过滤等功能! Google Tag Library 该标记库和 Google 有关。使用该标记库,利用 Google 为你的网站提供网站查询,并且可以...


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    GWT Advanced Table 是一个基于 GWT 框架的网页表格组件,可实现分页数据显示、数据排序和过滤等功能! Google Tag Library 该标记库和 Google 有关。使用该标记库,利用 Google 为你的网站提供网站查询,并且可以...


    GWT Advanced Table 是一个基于 GWT 框架的网页表格组件,可实现分页数据显示、数据排序和过滤等功能! Google Tag Library 该标记库和 Google 有关。使用该标记库,利用 Google 为你的网站提供网站查询,并且可以...


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    GWT Advanced Table 是一个基于 GWT 框架的网页表格组件,可实现分页数据显示、数据排序和过滤等功能! Google Tag Library 该标记库和 Google 有关。使用该标记库,利用 Google 为你的网站提供网站查询,并且可以...


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