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Life is hopeless, 生活只有眼前的苟且

Today, my boss fired me for being on Facebook at work. He did it via a wall post on Facebook saying, "ur fired." Six of my friends liked this. FML
被解雇了,今天在上班的时候上Facebook被我们老板看到了,结果我们老板就通过Facebook给我留言说我被解雇了。结果居然有6个赞,卧槽 FML

Today, I slept for the first time with my boyfriend. I'd always imagined it to be a romantic moment. It turned out that 'Saw 5' was on the TV in the background, and the sex was so fantastically tragic that I ended up watching/listening to it, on the sly. FML
第一次跟我男朋友开房,本来以为应该是很浪漫的,结果特别的难受。在做爱的同时,我们把电视的音量放的特别大,当时正在放“电锯惊魂 5”,全程我净去看电影了,都没记住啥滋味。FML

Today, I tried to get over my childhood phobia of syringes by donating blood. The phlebotomist hadn't even touched the needle before I started sobbing hysterically. They made me leave. FML

Today, I got a new job. I'm 26 and I left an amazing job to move back to be around my family. I have no choice but to take this job. I will be placing my finger in a dead turkeys ass, cutting open its stomach(n. 胃;腹部;胃口 vt. 忍受;吃下 vi. 忍受), and ripping out its guts. 15 per minute. FML
我现在恐怕是天底下最倒霉的人了,刚刚离职,今年26。结果现在找不到合适的工作,为了生活,老子每天要不停的把手指从火鸡的屁眼儿里面插进去然后剪开它的胃,掏内脏,每分钟要弄15个,真心不想活了。 FML

Today, I stepped on the scale because I'm trying to maintain a good weight. The scale read that I had lost 6 pounds. Feeling really good about myself, I stepped off the scale only to see that the corner of the scale was sitting on the rug, making the scale mess up and tell me the wrong weight. FML
最近一直瘦不下来,结果今天一上称,哎,轻了6磅(相当于5.44斤)哎,当时感觉姐姐这减肥还是蛮给力的,结果当我从称上下来一看,我这个称一边儿搁地毯上了额,娘的白欢喜了 。FML

Today, while giving speech in class, I choked on my own spit and had a coughing fit while everyone stared at me intently. When I finally regained my composure, my teacher told me my time was up and to sit down. I hadn't even got finished the first paragraph. FML
原文地址:[ 米国囧事 ] http://www.shitmylife.cn/subject/info/12


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