
如何去除webtop中browsetree 中的add repository链接


在用webtop做客户化的时候,如果只有一个repository 客户一般会要求去除左边导航树中的add repository 功能链接。


step1.Create your custom control class as follows . When the control initializes, it will display only the
nodes that are defined in the browsertree component, and it will set the visibility of the dynamic
nodes to false:

package com.mycompany;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.documentum.web.common.ArgumentList;
import com.documentum.web.form control.TreeNode;
public class WebTopBrowserTree extends com.documentum.webtop.control.WebTopBrowserTree
public void onInit(ArgumentList args)
Iterator it = getAllNodes();
if (null ! = it)
Object m _Node = null;
while (it.hasNext())
m _Node = it.next();
if (null ! = m _Node)
//get last tree node set it visible false
(TreeNode) m _Node).setVisible(false);

step2.Create your custom comoponent Browsertree class as follows: 

package com.mycompany;
import com.documentum.web.common.ArgumentList;
import com.broadtext.WebTopBrowserTree;

public class BrowserTree extends com.documentum.webtop.webcomponent.browsertree.BrowserTree

	public BrowserTree() {
	public void onInit(ArgumentList args)
		//force creation of custom control in component
		WebTopBrowserTree tree = (WebTopBrowserTree) getControl(TREE_CONTROL, WebTopBrowserTree.class);


step3.create a tag class to get the new control:

package com.mycompany;
public class WebTopBrowserTreeTag extends com.documentum.webtop.control.WebTopBrowserTreeTag
protected Class getControlClass()
return com.mycompany.WebTopBrowserTree.class;

 step4 Now create a tag library file custom .tld in /WEB-INF/tlds . Copy the content of dmwebtop_1_0 .tld and change only the shortname element for the tag library and the tag class for the browsertree control, as shown:


. . .
<shortname>ct< /shortname>
<name>browsertree< /name>
<tagclass>com.mycompany.WebTopBrowserTreeTag< /tagclass>
. . .
< /tag> . . .

 step5 Extend the Webtop browsertree component definition in /webtop/config/browsertree_component.xml and use the following definition:

<config version ="1 .0">
<component id ="browsertree" extends ="browsertree:
<start>/custom/browsertree/browsertree.jsp< /start>
< /pages>
<class>com.mycompany.BrowserTree< /class>
< /component>
< /scope>
< /config>

the last step, copy the Webtop browsertree JSP page /webtop/classic/browsertree .jsp to
/custom /browsertree.jsp Specify your custom tag library:
<%@ taglib uri ="/WEB -INF/tlds/custom.tld" prefix ="ct" %>
Import y our custom control class by importing it in place of the W ebtop control in the import

<%@ page import ="com.documentum.web.form.Form,
com.mycompany.BrowserTree" %>

Search for the browsertree tag:
<dmwt:browsertree name ='<% =BrowserTree.TREE _CONTROL%>' . . . />
Replace it with y our custom tag:
<ct:browsertree name ='<% =BrowserTree.TREE _CONTROL%>' . . . />
Stop and restart the app server to pick up your custom classes and verify that the Add Repository
option is not visible:





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