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[Perl]Test tool for exacting image with GraphicsMagick


最新版的代码请见GitHub: https://github.com/thinkhy/PerlNight/tree/master/graphicsMagicTest


# file: gm.pl

# brief: Test tool for exacting image with GraphicsMagick

# author: thinkhy

# date: 11/01/07


use File::Glob ':glob';

use strict;

my @files = glob "D://抽图图片//抽图出错图片189张//*.eps";

my $logfile = "D://抽图图片//抽图出错图片189张//extractImage.log";

sub getTime


my $time = shift || time();

my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($time);

$year += 1900;

$mon ++;

$min = '0'.$min if length($min) < 2;

$sec = '0'.$sec if length($sec) < 2;

$mon = '0'.$mon if length($mon) < 2;

$mday = '0'.$mday if length($mday) < 2;

$hour = '0'.$hour if length($hour) < 2;

my $weekday = ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat')[$wday];

return { 'second' => $sec,

'minute' => $min,

'hour' => $hour,

'day' => $mday,

'month' => $mon,

'year' => $year,

'weekNo' => $wday,

'wday' => $weekday,

'yday' => $yday,

'date' => "$year-$mon-$mday"



sub writelog


my $str = shift(@_);

open LOG, ">>$logfile" or die "Could not open my.log: $!";;

my $tt = getTime();

my $t = $tt->{'year'}."//".$tt->{'month'}."//".$tt->{'day'}." $tt->{'hour'}:$tt->{'minute'}:$tt->{'second'} ";

print LOG $t.": ".$str;

close LOG;


my $file;

my $fault = 0;

#foreach $file (in $files)

my $cnt = @files;

print "共转换".$cnt."个文件/n/n";



my $src = $_;


my($dirpath,$basename,$extname) = ($src =~ /^((?:.*[:////])?)(.*)(/.[^.]*$)/s);

my $outputFile = $dirpath.$basename.".jpg";

print $outputFile."/n";

my $cmd = "gm convert "."/"".$src."/""." ".$outputFile;

print $cmd;

my $result = `$cmd`

or { $fault++, writelog($src." 抽取失败/n")};

print $result;


print "共转换文件".$cnt."个,转换成功:".($cnt-$fault)."个/n";




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