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[随想]太阳陨落 - So Long, Old Friend(转载)

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Keyword: Sun Google James Gosling 技术公司
Date: 2010.01.23.

Sun Sunk

Java之父James Gosling在博客上发表文章,纪念即将逝去的太阳。



Thanks Sun. What a great company. Sun was like a family and what a GREAT family it was. Today is like losing a family member. Thanks James.. an amazing company and great people like you.. just fortunate to work 10 years.. Thanks for Sun in giving me a great career, I still remember reading Java 1.2 book from Sun such a fun and educational read! :) ......


好在,这家叫Standford University Network的公司,有了同样来自Stanford,同样技术至上,同样理想主义的Google作为继任者,而Google的第一笔投资正是来自SUN的创始人之一Andy Bechtolsheim。历史总是充满着巧合,正如伽利略逝世那天,牛顿出生,Google是否就是为了传承SUN的衣钵而来到这个世界?

最后,像James Gosling一样,我要深情地对SUN说: So Long, Old Friend ...




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