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Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble 五十便士的麻烦

  • NC3
【New words and expressions】 生词和短语

  ◆appreciate v. 欣赏,感激

  ◆pocket money 零用钱

  ◆rattle v. 格格作响

  ◆thrifty adj. 节俭的

  ◆nephew n. 侄子,外甥

  ◆bounce v. 弹起,跳起

  ◆pavement n. 人行道

  ◆stick ( stuck, stuck ) v. 卡住,夹住,不能再动

  ◆brigade n. 旅, (消防)队

  ◆grease n. 润滑油


  ◆appreciate v. 欣赏,感激

  Eg.: The poem is too difficult for me to appreciate.

  I appreciate your help. = be thankful / grateful to sb.


  ◆pocket money 零用钱

  beer money: 留给丈夫的零花钱

  mad money: 妇子留作应急之用的私房钱

  green money: 美金

  soft / folding money: 纸币,钞票

  hard money: 硬币


  ◆rattle v. 格格作响

  ◆thrifty adj. 节俭的



  ◆nephew n. 侄子,外甥

  ◆bounce v. 弹起,跳起

  The coin was bounced.

  同义词:jump (跳跃), leap (跃), hop (单足跳), spring (弹跳;n. 弹簧), skip (跳跃;略过)


  ◆pavement n. 人行道

  ◆stick ( stuck, stuck ) v. 卡住,夹住,不能再动


  Eg.: You must stick to your idea.

  Stick the stamp on the envelop.

  stick with:忠实于...... (=be faithful to )

  His arm was stuck. 他的胳膊被卡住了。


  ◆brigade n. 旅, (消防)队

  fire brigade: 消防队

  = fire department

  = fire station


  ◆grease n. 润滑油



  § Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble 五十便士的麻烦

  Q: Did George get anything for his fifty pence? What?


  Children always appreciate small gifts of money. Father, of course, provides a regular supply of pocket-money, but uncles and aunts are always a source of extra income. With some children, small sums go a long way. If sixpences are not exchanged for sweets, they rattle for months inside money-boxes. Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money-box. For most of them, sixpence is a small price to pay for a satisfying bar of chocolate.

  My nephew, George, has a money-box but it is always empty. Very few of the sixpences I have given him have found their way there. I gave him sixpence yesterday and advised him to save it. Instead, he bought himself sixpence worth of trouble. On his way to the sweet shop, he dropped his sixpence and it rolled along the pavement and then disappeared down a drain. George took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and pushed his right arm through the drain cover. He could not find his sixpence anywhere, and what is more, he could not get his arm out. A crowd of people gathered round him and a lady rubbed his arm with soap and butter, but George was firmly stuck. The fire-brigade was called and two firemen freed George using a special type of grease. George was not too upset by his experience because the lady who owns the sweet shop heard about his troubles and rewarded him with a large box of chocolates.





  Children always appreciate small gifts of money. 孩子们总是喜欢得到些零花钱。

  Husbands always appreciate small gifts of beer money.


  provide a regular supply of …定期地提供……

  provide sth. for sb./ provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物品


  a source of extra income

  small gifts of money

  pocket money

  extra income


  go a long way 可以买很多东西,维持很久

  Eg: The money we have will go a long way.

  go a long way towards: 对……大有帮助

  Eg: This will go a long way towards overcoming the difficulty.


  With frugal housewives, they made their small income go a long way.



  Eg.: The weather is quite warm for November.

  For him, this will be an entirely new hobby.


  Eg.: With some people, pleasure is more important than work.

  Some people may accept that excuse, but it won’t work with me.


  pence: 便士 (penny 便士的复数;pennies)

   a fifty pence: 一个五十便士的硬币

   a fifty penies: 五十个一便士的硬币


  wxchanges for: 换取,以......来交换


  rattle: 叮当作响 ==tinkle


  shout at: 大喊大叫 = bark at

  he is grunting. 咕哝的,哼哼唧唧的

  slam: 砰的一声


  fill up: 装满

  1.up ----表示方向


   up to ----表示到达目的地



   They walked up the street.

   The children run up the garden path to greet their father.

  3. 系列动词 + up ---- 表示消费,摧毁,彻底,光,用完

   Drink up your whisky.

   Eat up your vegetable.

   Finish it up.

   burn up

   use up 用光

  4. 表示积存,从少到多,积少成多

  We must lay up some boiled food for the winter.

  = store up, hold up, gather up


   They are sailing up the Thames.

   The house is up the river.

  6.动词 + up ----表示包起来、封住、盖住

  button up 扣上钮扣

  wrap up 包裹起来

  lock up 锁上 lock the house up

  fasten up 栓起来

  save up 赚钱

  wash up 洗碗盆

  do up 包扎,包装,系好


  fifty pence is a small price = fifty pence is not much: 装满

  fifty pence is not much to pay


  a small price = not much money: 并不是很多


  For him, two thousand dollars is a small price to pay for it.

  For me, five haudred yuan is not a small price to pay for a bicycle.


  find their way there = reach 抵达,到达, 找到自己的去处

   Rivers find their way to the sea.

   How did such a foolish statement find its way into print. 这样愚蠢的话怎么会印出来呢。

   All my books have already found their way there.


  advise: 建议

  advise sb. to do sth. : 说服某人做某事(失败的结果)

  persuade sb. to do sth.: 说服某人做某事(成功的结果)




  fifty pence worth of trouble: 五十便士的麻烦


  系列的动词构成平行结构:take off, rolled up, push

  roll vi. 滚动; vt. 滚动

   vi. The pencil rolled under the table.

   vt. He rolled the ball towards the puppy.

  roll up:卷起,挽起

   We will need to roll up the carpet.



   what is more important 更重要的是

   what is worse 更糟糕的是

   what is more 甚者

   what is rare 更罕见的是

  Eg.: He went to the meeting, and what was worse, insist on speaking.


  gather round 聚在周围


  rubbed his arm with sth. ... 用......涂抹






  reward ... with: 用...来奖赏某人



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