在项目交付后期经常遇到数据迁移的工作。 一般给的数据没有ID,即primary key .需要在excel里添加一列,如ID. 把excel文件另存为Text(Tab delimited) 文件 打开plsql连接到要导入的oracle数据库再打开Tools --> Text importer... --> Open data file 选择要导入的txt文件 设置general configuration: 如果excel数据有表头,在name in head上打勾. 设置Field End.设置以tab键为列分隔符 在设置Fields时如需数据转换,可以用SQL ...
Struts Action mapping问题请参考以下内容: Struts2.18以后版本在Weblogic12c上关于Action注解的运行调整。    weblogic12c在加载项目时会把WEB-INF下的classes目录打成jar包。并删除classes目录下的内容。    struts2.18的Action注解要找jar包,需要jar包内有META-INF/Manifest文件,内容无所谓但要有,因此会造成一般的 struts项目放到Webligic上后注解半不生效。改动在src目录下添加META-INF/Manifest文件,在struts.xml添加如 下设置: &l ...
unable to locate the Javac Compiler in: C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\..\lib\tools.jar Please ensure you are using JDK 1.4 or above and not a JRE (the com.sun.tools.javac.Main class is required). In most cases you can change the location of your Java installation by setting the JAVA_HOME environment v ...
OSGi offers the following advantages: You can install, uninstall, start, and stop different modules of your application dynamically without restarting the container. Your application can have more than one version o ...
今天在documentum webtop上开发了一个小的添加功能 修改browsertree_component.xml 修改menubar_component.xml 根据action创建xxx_action.xml                设置参数,初始化类(precondition)            添加相应的container, component 创建xxx_container.xml 设置参数 设置start page 设置component 设置处理类 设置国际化文件 创建xxx_component.xml 同container
But then come your local friendly DBAs, who will be glad to tell you about their set of database naming conventions -- conventions that date from before the demise of the dinosaurs, and that aren't about to change! These database conventions usually have quite valid reasons to exist, and in any case ...
关于内存溢出,我们可以在启动tomcat时,加参数“-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError”。 这样,但内存溢出时,会生成heap dump文件。 然后,可以通过如MemoryAnalyzer等分析工具,进行分析,定位是否有内存泄露。
请使用FindBugs工具检查程序中的缺陷。FindBugs可以比较专业的代码静态检查工具,我们可以通过使用这个工具来学习如何编写更加健壮的代码。 你们可以用Eclipse中的”Install new software”从http://findbugs.cs.umd.edu/eclipse/ 下载这个工具。 使用起来还是挺方便的,如果用过eclipse其他插件的话,很快就会上手了。
Today , when I want to set a field null using Ibatis .I found we must modify the generated mapping file .In the default mapping file :<if test="thefield != null">the_field = #{thefield},</if> .If wanna set the the_field to null , in your program , you must adda script :<if te ...
1、select * from v$nls_parameters   查询nls的参数,获得数据库服务器端的字符编码   NLS_LANGUAGE   NLS_CHARACTERSET 2、修改本地环境变量,设置   NLS_LANG = SIMPLIFIED CHINESE.ZHS16GBK //这个是我们的数据库字符编码   NLS_LANG格式:   NLS_LANG = language_territory.charset   有三个组成部分(语言、地域和字符集),每个成分控制了NLS子集的特性。其中:language 指定服务器消息的语言。   territory 指定服务器的日期和数 ...
SimpleDateFormat and Thread Safety Wednesday, October 10, 2007 It never fails to surprise me that so many developers are unaware that SimpleDateFormat is not thread-safe. It seems like almost all J2EE projects I work on have code that uses instance variables or static instance variables to store a Si ...
JBoss和JMS(写的不错,抄来看看) 关键字: jboss jms 1、介绍       本章介绍在Jboss中使用Java Messageing Service (JMS). 不是JMS指南,而是JBoss和JMS如何一起使用,如果你想看JMS的介绍,请参考 JMS Specification 或 JMS turorial. 最近随着JBoss版 ...
解决JAXB2.1和JDK1.6/6.0的问题 方案1: 1.8. Using JAX-WS 2.1 with JavaSE6 JavaSE6 ships with JAX-WS 2.0 API in rt.jar, which causes some trouble when you try to run applications that use JAX-WS 2.1 API. This document collects information about how to solve this issue. 1.8.1. Endorsed directory One way to ...
1、MAVEN的安装和配置 项目地址: http://maven.apache.org/download.html 下载到的文件: apache-maven-2.0.9-bin.zip 接压缩后拷贝到tool下面。配置path中加入: D:\tool\apache-maven-2.0.9\bin 然后在命令行中输入: mvn -version 返回: Maven version: 2.0.9 Java version: 1.5.0_12 OS name: "windows xp" version: "5.1" arch: "x86" F ...
http://www.eclipsezone.com/eclipse/forums/t53459.html Remote Debugging with Eclipse At 8:22 PM on Nov 1, 2005, Levent Gurses wrote: <!-- Synopsis --> How many times trying to fix a server-side Java problem appeared trivial, but getting to the source of the problem took all the time? A remot ...
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