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linux 命令

远程复制:scp -Pport source target scp -P10022 aaa ./ ssh 登录:ssh user@host -pport ssh hadoop@localhost -p1111 ssh 实现机器跳转: ssh -f -N -L localport:targethost:targethostport user@transferHost 配置系统中所用软件的版本(当安装了多个版本时) sudo update-alternatives --config valac 查看文件夹中每个子目录或文件所占的空间 du -h --max-depth=1 查看系统启动时间:dat ...
Description For sites using only IPv4, you may find better performance and simplicity in configuring the environment to use only IPv4, wherever possible. This wiki page provides guidance on forcing applications to use IPv4 when possible. Many OSs will enable IPv6 by default, even if the environment i ...

Service provider

  • Java
Overview Files in the META-INF/services directory are service provider configuration files. A service is a well-known set of interfaces and (usually abstract) classes. A service provider is a specific implementation of a service. The classes in a provider typically implement the interfaces and subcla ...

ftp replycode summary

  • Java
Reply code summary Here is an overview of the most important reply codes that will be displayed by the FTP Protocol. These triple-digit codes indicate a positive response, a successful operation, a positive interim response, provisional negative response or a permanent negative response, depending on ...

vim 格式化xml

# .vimrc au FileType xml setlocal equalprg=xmllint\ --format\ --recover\ -\ 2>/dev/null gg=G 格式化

VI 基本命令

进入vi的命令   vi filename :打开或新建文件,并将光标置于第一行首   vi +n filename :打开文件,并将光标置于第n行首   vi + filename :打开文件,并将光标置于最后一行首   vi +/pattern filename:打开文件,并将光标置于 ...
在打开方式中,自定义命令 gvim -p --remote-tab-silent "%1"

JAVA 常用工具类(转)

  • Java
StringUtils 这是象面包和奶油一样必须的通用语言库,这个实用工具类包括一些很早以前在String中未包含的重要方法。 StringUtils.isEmpty(null) && StringUtils.isEmpty(""); // true StringUtils.isBlank(" \n\t"); // true StringUtils.substringAfterLast("foo.bar.baz", "." ...

Java 对象加密解密

  • Java
import java.io.*; import javax.crypto.*; import java.security.*; class A implements Serializable { private String a; public String getA() { return a; } public void setA(String a) { ...
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