之前在2.2上配置过,最近要升级到2.4,有些不太一样的地方。 先说开启ssi,这个跟2.2差不多: 1.打开 LoadModule include_module modules/mod_include.so 2.在 <IfModule dir_module>     DirectoryIndex index.shtml index.html </IfModule> 加入黑体部分 3.打开 AddType text/html .shtml AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml 再大概说下开启虚拟主机: 2.2中的     Order al ...
“有两种东西不该被发明出来,一个是linux,一个是javascript,自从有了它们,一些叫程序员的人就再没好日子过了” 大多数步骤和报错都信息直接google就行了,没啥复杂的,不过在安装swftool时,在./configure之前,需要执行一下 sudo /sbin/ldconfig /usr/local/lib 一下。。。
作者并不反对食用乳制品,只是反对欧洲奶商宣传的每人每天要食用3,4份乳制品的忽悠人的观点,估计“每天一斤奶,强壮xx人”也属于这种忽悠吧,更何况欧洲奶的质量远好于天朝的呢! 1.乳制品的一个优点之一并非来自奶类本身,而是来自其发酵产生的细菌--乳酸杆菌。这些微生物唯一且有文献依据的功效在于,它们对感染性腹泻及因服用抗生素所引起的腹泻有治疗作用。但是这些研究中,并非都使用酸奶,有些则是采用袋装或胶囊的活菌种。与常识相反,酸奶并不是唯一含有医生菌的食物来源。只要有规律的摄取水果和蔬菜,就能够创造出适宜肠道益生菌平衡发展的必要环境。 2.法国人被乳制品生产商忽悠了。1980年,法国人人均饮用8.7 ...
    事情是这样的,我为BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping编写了一个拦截器,并且在配置文件了进行了配置。但是我提交svn的时候,只提交了配置文件,没有提交这个拦截器类。结果别的同事更新了工程后,程序无法启动。tomcat控制台输出停在了: log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. 就不动了。找了很久找不到问题, ...
异常: org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.UncheckedException: No operation was found with the name {http://impl.service.ws.mywebapp.com/}validCodeReq. 我看了下wsdl里,有名为 validCodeReq的operation呀,奇了怪了。网上搜了好久也没有解决办法。最后只好attach了 cxf2.0.11的源码进行跟踪,后来发现,cxf会在其内部用一个map来保存QName,而这个map里,有validCodeReq,但是前半部分不对,不是 {http://impl ...
整个异常信息中,还有个错误提示: [error] IOException during exec() of compiler "javac". Check your path environment variable. 在网上查了查,是这个原因: “CXF tools need javac to compile the generated source files. Please add the javac&apos;s directory into the PATH environment variable.” 原来,我在环境变量里只设置了 java_home ...
方法一: watch  'lsof -i :1521'  实时查看连接到这个数据库端口的进程,找到连接比较多的那个,记住pid,然后ps -ef | grep 进程号 查看进程详请。 方法二: ps -x 查询正在执行的进程,然后我想查看pid为12345的进程的数据库连接情况, netstat -anpt |grep 1521 |grep 19185 |wc -l 每次显示出结果后,回车继续(大概需要半秒的反应时间),连续执行该命令,显示当前动态数据库连接情况
原文地址 http://www.devcurry.com/2010/11/remove-all-white-space-using-javascript.html <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head> <title>Remove Whitespaces using JavaScript by DevCurry.com</title> <script type="text/javascript"> ...
一种方式是用开源组件httpclient 另一种是用jdk自带的类,下面只说下自带类的用法: package test; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.URL; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { URL url = new URL("h ...
想看看spring与mongodb结合起来如何使用。 从 https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-data-document 上下载demo 用eclipse3.6-javaee版本打开demo的根目录 右键点 spring-data-document-parent, run as --> maven install 控制台出现警告: [WARNING] [WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for org.springframew ...
原文地址: http://panbhatt.blogspot.com/2011/03/spring-web-services-2-part-i.html In second part of the series, we will talk about how to use Marshaller's in order to automatically convert your request and response object to the SOAP Body XML (of request n response ) with the corresponding Namespace defi ...
This is an introductory article, in a three part series which illustrates the use of Spring Web Services in a Java/J2EE Application. All the Examples has been created by using Spring 3, Spring Web Services 2, JAX-WS, JAXB 2.2, and wsdl4j.jar This Part will simplify the process of invoking a simple w ...
select t.usermobile, themeId, to_char(trunc(sysdate, 'iw'), 'yyyy-mm-dd') begintime, to_char(trunc(sysdate, 'iw') + 6, 'yyyy-mm-dd') endtime, count(distinct t.attenddate) countOfAttendance from user_attendance t where attenddate >= to_char(trunc(sysdate, 'iw' ...
A major new feature of Java EE 6 is JPA 2.0 and in particular the addition of the Criteria API which provides the ability to dynamically construct object-based queries. This resolves some of the problems which arise when building dynamic native queries. The below example shows how to find customer e ...
原文地址: http://www.dzone.com/links/r/serialization_marshalling_deflating_in_java.html Writing Java Objects or keeping the state of Objects into DataBase or Files (In Binary Format) is known as Serialization or Marshalling or deflating. Reading Java Objects back in Binary Format from file or Database i ...
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