  自从上了知乎以后,各种闲逛,很少回答,很少提问,这样不好,很难产生互动,但是从各种精华的提问中依然可以学到不少道理,明白很多事情,从这个意义上来说,知乎做的挺不错的。  昨天中午看到了一则题为《曾经有过巨大财富,但却一夜之间全部失去,这是怎样的经历和感受?》看到别人的人生大起大落,人情冷暖,世态炎凉,但也不乏世间真情,每个故事都可以做一部情节跌宕的小说来写,让人意犹未尽。总结有以下几点收获:   人生有时候就像在赌,胜负天知; 学校永远安逸,社会才是真残酷; 创业需要懂法(类似合同法),多请教过来人; 很多人推荐看史玉柱的经历;   另外发现一个不错的国外的知乎quora,应 ...


  • VOA
  还记得上次练习VOA还是11年的2月份,那时候寒假,没什么事情做,所以每天联系听写VOA,看到putclub上很多童鞋都非常坚持,自己当然不能落后,但人总是会懒得,今年寒假本来打算继续,无奈没有坚持,在这个即将开始研究生生活的日子里,每天事情确实不是很多,开学后又有入学考试,希望这一次能够争取进入免考免修班,这样自己可以花更多的时间来自学英语,从开始托福和GMAT的奋斗。有时候人的惰性确实存在,希望这篇博文作为见证,在不能够坚持的时候,能够督促我不要放弃,fight for dream。 下午的时候,试着听了一篇VOA,发现很多无法听懂,这些对信心都一些影响。


  • Test
     这两天在51test上面看了下用例设计一点知识,发现一个测试用例检查方法(基础方法),希望对刚刚接触用例设计的同学会有所帮助。 对于屏幕显示来说包括:   检查显示的布局;   检查域和按钮的顺序;   检查 ...
使用Spring JdbcTemplate调用存储过程 Spring的SimpleJdbcTemplate将存储过程的调用进行了良好的封装,但可惜只能用于jdk1.5的环境,无法再jdk1.4环境下使用,而JdbcTemplate则完全适用于jdk1.4下的环境,下面列出使用JdbcTemplate调用Oracle存储过程的一些方法: 一) 无返回值的存储过程调用 存储过程:     1: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TESTPRO(PARAM1 IN VARCHAR2,PARAM2 IN VARCHAR2) AS 2: BEGIN 3: ...
Spring-JdbcTemplete调用Mysql存储过程 2007-09-19 10:42 A.M. Spring framework提供了调用存储过程的方法,下面对几个相关的类和接口做简单介绍,你也可以通过Spring API获得更多详细信息。 org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure 这是一个抽象类,通过declareParameter方法来声明存储过程的输入输出参数,再由execute方法来调用存储过程。 org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter 用来代表存储过程的参数。 org.s ...
有很多医生朋友当了多年医生,有名气、有技术,所以想自己开一家诊所,那么开诊所的流程是怎样的呢?e时代医生在百度上搜了一下,辛辛苦苦终于找到了几个比较全面的回复。供大家参考。 如何开诊所 回复1: 申请人条 ...
首先,是servlet的运行配置。 Servlet的运行环境需要什么呢? 首先我们讨论要运行Servlet,则需要JSP/Servlet container,我建议初学者用Tomcat。 然后把这个压缩包解压到: D:\apache-tomcat-6.0.18 然后再配置Servlet的运行环境的环境变量; ...

VOA 2011-2-16

  • VOA
[Homework VOA 2011-2-16] Egypt’s military rulers start a committee to amend the constitution. And in Bahrain one detained protestor second tend to kill the general. I’m Marti Johnson, reporting from Washington. Egypt’s military rulers have appointed a retired judge to head a committee tasked with am ...
[Homework VOA 2011-2-15] The Egyptian military more protests this why the country’s workers. And in Yemen protestors open the week. I’m Marti Johnson reporting from Washington. Thousands of people including police and protestors are again in Egypt’s capital Cairo Monday as weekly a wave of rebels ar ...
[Homework VOA 2011-02-14] From Washington, this is VOA News. Egyptian troops put pressure on protestors to return to their lives after president to step down. And the top U.S. military officer is in Jordan heading for Israel. I’m Marti Johnson, reporting from Washington. Egyptian soldiers entered C ...

VOA 2011-2-13

  • VOA
[Homework VOA 2011-2-13] From Washington, this is VOA News. Yesterday afternoon President Mubarak resigned, celebrations continue, but call prevails, and reaction from around the world including other protests. I’m Marti Johnson, reporting from Washington. Egyptians continue celebrating their resig ...

VOA 2011-2-12

  • VOA
From Washington, this is VOA news. Demonstrations continue in Cairo in the face of President Hosni Mubarak’s refusal to step down. Pakistani police accuse an American diplomat for murder. I’m David Forest reporting from Washington. Hundreds of thousands of anti-government demonstrators have spread o ...
[Homework VOA 2011-2-11] Widening anti-government protests in Egypt turn to labor actions. A child bomber killed more than two dozen Pakistani soldiers. I’m David Forest reporting from Washington. Egypt State Prosecutor is launching a corruption investigation against three former government minister ...

VOA 2011-2-10

  • VOA
[Homework VOA 2011-2-10] Egypt’s vice president says the government will not tolerate prolonged protests in Cairo, Korea military talks break down; I’m David Forest, reporting from Washington. Fighting between Egyptian Security forces and protestors in the country’s southwest have killed at least on ...

VOA 2011-2-9

  • VOA
Egypt formal committee proposes reforms, North and South Korea military leaders hold talks. I’m David Forest, reporting from Washington. Egypt vice president Omar Suleiman says President Hosni Mubarak has issued decrees establishing a committee to draft constitutional reforms, also another group to ...
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