grep 同时满足多个关键字和满足任意关键字 ① grep -E "word1|word2|word3"   file.txt    满足任意条件(word1、word2和word3之一)将匹配。 ② grep word1 file.txt | grep word2 |grep word3    必须同时满足三个条件(word1、word2和word3)才匹配。
./redis-cli -n 0 keys "ktq*" | xargs ./redis-cli -n 0 del
freemarker数字格式化可以在两个地方设置,一个是全局的,即在freemarker.properties文件中设置number_format,还有一个是使用string指令来控制数据的输出格式。例如: ${num?string('0.00')} 如果小数点后不足两位,用 0 代替 ${num?string('#.##')} 如果小数点后多余两位,就只保留两位,否则输出实际值 输出为:1239765.46 ${num?string(',###.00')} 输出为:1,239,765.46 整数部分每三位用 , 分割,并且保证小数点后保留两位,不足用 0 代替 ${num?string ...
这是我启动不报错,但是启动之后再发部时报的错: 信息: Illegal access: this web application instance has been stopped already.  Could not load java.net.BindException.  The eventual following stack trace is caused by an error thrown for debugging purposes as well as to attempt to terminate the thread which caused the illegal ac ...
在装 Qt Commercial  时  报错 错误如下 service pack 1 for visual  studio  2005   is not installed Qt commercial for vs 2005 will not work properly without it 应该 如何解决啊?
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