0 0

关于socket的connection reset!5






socket = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(address),port);
			if (socket != null) {
				InputStream in = socket.getInputStream();
				OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream();
				String reqstinfo1 = reqstinfo1head + reqstinfo1body + reqstinfo1end;
				byte[] request = reqstinfo1.getBytes();
				LOG.error("request1" + request);
				LOG.error("request1" + request);
				LOG.error("request1" + request);
				int length = in.read(returnHeadBytesArray);
				head = new String (returnHeadBytesArray);
				resultMap.put("reqstinfo1", head);
				LOG.error("head1" + head);
				LOG.error("head1" + head);
				LOG.error("head1" + head);
				String check_r2 = reqstinfo2head + reqstinfo2body + reqstinfo2end;
				LOG.error("check_r2" + check_r2);
				LOG.error("check_r2" + check_r2);
				LOG.error("check_r2" + check_r2);
				String infohe = "";
				if (check_r2 != null && !"".equals(check_r2)) {
					if (changebody != null && !"".equals(changebody)) {
						reqstinfo2body = reqstinfo2body.substring(0, reqstinfo2body.length() - lengthc)
							+ head.substring(beginc, beginc + lengthc);
						infohe = calcCheckSum(reqstinfo2body + reqstinfo2end);
					String reqstinfo2 = reqstinfo2head + reqstinfo2body + reqstinfo2end + infohe;
					LOG.error("reqstinfo2" + reqstinfo2);
					LOG.error("reqstinfo2" + reqstinfo2);
					LOG.error("reqstinfo2" + reqstinfo2);
					LOG.error("reqstinfo2" + reqstinfo2);
					LOG.error("reqstinfo2" + reqstinfo2);
					if (reqstinfo2 != null && !"".equals(reqstinfo2)) {
						request = reqstinfo2.getBytes();
						LOG.error("--------------------------------" + request.length);
						LOG.error("request2" + request);
						LOG.error("request2" + request);
						LOG.error("request2" + request);

//						Map param = new HashMap();
//						param.put("request", reqstinfo2);
//						param.put("socket", socket);
//						param.put("arrsize", arrsize+"");
//						Map reMap = (Map)ESBClientService.call("zj/ismp/ecp/create/account2", "create/account", "翼聊开户", param);

						returnHeadBytesArray = new byte[arrsize];
						length = in.read(returnHeadBytesArray);
						head = new String (returnHeadBytesArray);
//						head = (String)reMap.get("head");
						resultMap.put("reqstinfo2", head);





ERROR[PRIORITY] ncom.ct10000.esb.service.impl.MySocketService[CATEGORY]


2012-03-21 17:37:02,111 ERROR [STDERR] java.net.SocketException: Connection reset

2012-03-21 17:37:02,112 ERROR [STDERR]  at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite(SocketOutputStream.java:96)

2012-03-21 17:37:02,112 ERROR [STDERR]  at java.net.SocketOutputStream.write(SocketOutputStream.java:124)


2012年3月21日 17:58

2个答案 按时间排序 按投票排序

0 0


2012年3月23日 22:49
0 0



2012年3月21日 18:30


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