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Q about websphere mq v6 clustering

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Does it support vertical clustering in one mq server (on one machine) with different qmanagers ?
I tried it in the below senario :
simple two qmanagers QM1 and QM2
QM1 has sender(conname('ip(1416)')) and receiver(conname('ip(1415)')) channel and a listener(port 1415)

QM2 has sender(conname('ip(1415)')) and receiver(conname('ip(1416)')) channel and a listener(port 1416)

qlocal named testq in QM1

this two qm in the same cluster named "testcluser"

when i put some message using command "put TESTQ QM2" ,an error occured:

"put from MQOPEN ended with reason code 2189 unable to open queue for output"

This way is ok.However ,take care of the order about creating the local queue of "testq" in qm1.
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