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   发表时间:2009-02-14   最后修改:2009-02-15

////////// JS theme file for PopCalendarXP 9.0 /////////
// This file is totally configurable. You may remove all the comments in this file to minimize the download size.
// Since the plugins are loaded after theme config, sometimes we would redefine(override) some theme options there for convenience.

// ---- PopCalendar Specific Options ----
var gsSplit="-";	// separator of date string. If set it to empty string, then giMonthMode and gbPadZero will be fixed to 0 and true.
var giDatePos=2;	// date format sequence  0: D-M-Y ; 1: M-D-Y; 2: Y-M-D
var gbPadZero=true;	// whether to pad the digits with 0 in the left when less than 10.
var giMonthMode=0;	// month format 0: digits ; 1: full name from gMonths; >2: abbreviated month name in specified length.
var gbShortYear=false;   // year format   true: 2-digits; false: 4-digits
var gbAutoPos=true;	// enable auto-adpative positioning or not
var gbPopDown=true;	// true: pop the calendar below the dateCtrl; false: pop above if gbAutoPos is false.
var gbAutoClose=true;	// whether to close the calendar after selecting a date.
var gPosOffset=[0,0];	// Offsets used to adjust the pop-up postion, [leftOffset, topOffset].
var gbFixedPos=false;	// true: pop the calendar absolutely at gPosOffset; false: pop it relatively.

// ---- Common Options ----
var gMonths=["1月","2月","3月","4月","5月","6月","7月","8月","9月","10月","11月","12月"];
var gWeekDay=["日","一","二","三","四","五","六"];	// weekday caption from Sunday to Saturday

var gBegin=[1980,1,1];	// calendar date range begin from [Year,Month,Date]. Using gToday here will make it start from today.
var gEnd=[2030,12,31];	// calendar date range end at [Year,Month,Date]
var gsOutOfRange="对不起,不能超过设定的范围!";	// out-of-date-range error message. If set to "", no alerts will popup on such error.
var guOutOfRange=null;	// the background image url for the out-range dates. e.g. "outrange.gif"

var giFirstDOW=1;	// indicates the first day of week. 0:Sunday; 1-6:Monday-Saturday.

var gcCalBG="#6699cc";	// the background color of the outer calendar panel.
var guCalBG=null;	//  the background image url for the inner table.
var gcCalFrame="#778899";	// the background color of the inner table, showing as a frame.
var gsInnerTable="border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1";	// HTML tag properties of the inner <table> tag, which holds all the calendar cells.
var gsOuterTable=NN4?"border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0":"border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2";	// HTML tag properties of the outmost container <table> tag, which holds the top, middle and bottom sections.

var gbHideTop=false;	// true: hide the top section; false: show it according to the following settings
var giDCStyle=0;	// the style of month-controls in top section.	0: use predefined html dropdowns & gsNavPrev/Next; 1: use gsCalTitle & gsNavPrev/Next; 2: use only gsCalTitle;
var gsCalTitle="gMonths[gCurMonth[1]-1]+' '+gCurMonth[0]";	// dynamic statement to be eval()'ed as the title when giDCStyle>0.
var gbDCSeq=true;	// (effective only when giDCStyle is 0) true: show month box before year box; false: vice-versa;
var gsYearInBox="i";	// dynamic statement to be eval()'ed as the text shown in the year box. e.g. "'A.D.'+i" will show "A.D.2001"
var gsNavPrev="<input id='navPrev' type='button' value='&lt;' class='MonthNav' onmousedown='showPrevMon()' onmouseup='stopShowMon()' onmouseout='stopShowMon();if(this.blur)this.blur()'/>";	// the content of the left month navigator
var gsNavNext="<input id='navNext' type='button' value='&gt;' class='MonthNav' onmousedown='showNextMon()' onmouseup='stopShowMon()' onmouseout='stopShowMon();if(this.blur)this.blur()'/>";	// the content of the right month navigator

var gbHideBottom=false;	// true: hide the bottom section; false: show it with gsBottom.
var gsBottom="<a href='javascript:void(0)' class='BottomAnchor' onclick='if(this.blur)this.blur();if(!fSetDate(gToday[0],gToday[1],gToday[2]))alert(\"You cannot select today!\");return false;' onmouseover='return true;' >今日 : "+gToday[0]+"年"+gMonths[gToday[1]-1]+gToday[2]+"日</a>";	// the content of the bottom section.

var giCellWidth=18;	// calendar cell width;
var giCellHeight=14;	// calendar cell height;
var giHeadHeight=14;	// calendar head row height;
var giWeekWidth=14;	// calendar week-number-column width;
var giHeadTop=1;	// calendar head row top offset;
var giWeekTop=0;	// calendar week-number-column top offset;

var gcCellBG="#e5e5e5";	// default background color of the cells. Use "" for transparent!!!
var gsCellHTML="";	// default HTML contents for days without any agenda, usually an image tag.
var guCellBGImg="";	// url of default background image for each calendar cell.
var gsAction=" ";	// default action to be eval()'ed on everyday except the days with agendas, which have their own actions defined in agendas.
var gsDays="dayNo";	// the dynamic statement to be eval()'ed into each day cell.

var giWeekCol=-1;	// -1: disable week-number-column;  0~7: show week numbers at the designated column.
var gsWeekHead="#";	// the text shown in the table head of week-number-column.
var gsWeeks="weekNo";	// the dynamic statement to be eval()'ed into the week-number-column. e.g. "'week '+weekNo" will show "week 1", "week 2" ...

var gcWorkday="black";	// Workday font color
var gcSat="black";	// Saturday font color
var gcSatBG="#99ccff";	// Saturday background color
var gcSun="black";	// Sunday font color
var gcSunBG="#99ccff";	// Sunday background color

var gcOtherDay="silver";	// the font color of days in other months; It's of no use when giShowOther is set to hide.
var gcOtherDayBG=gcCellBG;	// the background color of days in other months. when giShowOther set to hiding, it'll substitute the gcOtherDay.
var giShowOther=2;	// control the look of days in OTHER months. 1: show date & agendas effects; 2: show selected & today effects; 4: hide days in previous month; 8: hide days in next month; 16: when set with 4 and/or 8, the days will be visible but not selectable.  NOTE: values can be added up to create mixed effects.

var gbFocus=true;	// whether to enable the gcToggle highlight whenever mouse pointer focuses over a calendar cell.
var gcToggle="yellow";	// the highlight color for the focused cell

var gcFGToday="red";	// the font color for today 
var gcBGToday="white";	// the background color for today 
var guTodayBGImg="";	// url of image as today's background
var giMarkToday=1+2; // Effects for today - 0: nothing; 1: set background color with gcBGToday; 2: draw a box with gcBGToday; 4: bold the font; 8: set font color with gcFGToday; 16: set background image with guTodayBGImg; - they can be added up to create mixed effects.
var gsTodayTip="今天";	// tooltip for today

var gcFGSelected="white";	// the font color for the selected date
var gcBGSelected="#DB5141";	// the background color for the selected date
var guSelectedBGImg="";	// url of image as background of the selected date
var giMarkSelected=2;	// Effects for selected date - 0: nothing; 1: set background color with gcBGSelected; 2: draw a box with gcBGSelected; 4: bold the font; 8: set font color with gcFGSelected; 16: set background image with guSelectedBGImg; - they can be added up to create mixed effects.
var gsSelectedTip="";	// tooltip for selected dates

var gbBoldAgenda=true;	// whether to boldface the dates with agendas.
var gbInvertBold=false;	// true: invert the boldface effect set by gbBoldAgenda; false: no inverts.
var gbShrink2fit=true;	// whether to hide the week line if none of its day belongs to the current month.
var gdSelect=[0,0,0];	// default selected date in format of [year, month, day]; [0,0,0] means no default date selected.
var giFreeDiv=0;	// The number of absolutely positioned layers you want to customize, they will be named as "freeDiv0", "freeDiv1"...
var gAgendaMask=[-1,-1,-1,null,null,-1,null];	// [message, action, bgcolor, fgcolor, bgimg, boxit, html] - Set the relevant bit to -1 to keep the original agenda/event value of that bit intact. Any other value will be used to override the original one defined in agenda.js. Check the tutorial for details.

var giResizeDelay=KO3?150:50;	// delay in milliseconds before resizing the calendar panel. Calendar may have incorrect initial size if this value is too small.
var gbFlatBorder=false;	// flat the .CalCell css border of any agenda date by setting it to solid style. NOTE: it should always be set to false if .CalCell has no explicit border size.
var gbInvertBorder=false;	// true: invert the effect caused by gbFlatBorder; false: no change.
var gbShareAgenda=false;	// if set to true, a global agenda store will be created and used to share across calendars. Check tutorials for details.
var gsAgShared="gContainer._cxp_agenda";	// shared agenda store name used when gbShareAgenda is true.
var gbCacheAgenda=false;	// false: will prevent the agenda url from being cached; true: cached as normal js file.
var giShowInterval=250;	// interval time in milliseconds that controls the auto-traverse speed.

作者:wallimn 电邮:wallimn@sohu.com 时间:2009-02-13
博客:http://blog.csdn.net/wallimn http://wallimn.iteye.com

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