
The Natural Cure for Myopia


        A 26-year old teacher is shortsighted and has worn glasses since the age of ten. She is the nervous type, she tends to stretch her head forward and suffer from tension in the neck. After learning to relax her eyes and her whole nervous system through simple exercises, and eating more natural foods like raw fruits and vegetables, her vision improves rapidly.
This is an example of what happens to the millions of people who have practiced the Bates Method (named after a New York eye doctor). It gets results with myopia and most other visual defects. It helps you to see better at any age. It works even if your parents wear glasses, or if you have worn glasses or lenses for years.
To have good eyesight you need to know the facts:
# All glasses and lenses weaken your eyes!
# Most corrective surgery does the same, it only
treats the symptoms !
# Optical professionals know little or nothing about
prevention or natural ways of improving the
eyesight, because there is no money in it!
# The multi-billion dollar optical industry wants you
To have poor eyesight because this increases sales!
# The only person who is really interested in
improving your eyesight is YOU!
# The best way to get practical self-help advice is
to consult a teacher of the Bates Method or to get
a book on the subject.
# The latest book is only a
mouse click away. Find out more at




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    CURE(Clustering Using Representatives)聚类算法是一种针对大规模数据集的有效聚类方法,它解决了传统基于划分的聚类算法在处理异常数据和非球形簇时的局限性。CURE采用代表点来表示簇,同时在处理大数据量时引入...


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    CURE(Clustering Using Representative Examples)算法是一种层次聚类方法,由Georgios M. Roussos在1998年提出。它旨在处理大规模数据集,并能够处理非球形和大小不一的聚类。CURE算法的核心思想是通过保持数据的...

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