
[spark-src-core] 2.5 core concepts in Spark


1.overview in wordcount

-memory tips:

Job > Stage > Rdd > Dependency
RDDs are linked by Dependencies.



-RDD is associated by Dependency,ie Dependency is a warpper of RDD.

  Stage contains corresponding rdd; dependency contains parent rdd also

-Stage is a wrapper of same-func tasks; second,used to schedule by DAGScheduler

-job.numTasks = resultStage.numPartitions.if ‘spark.default.parallelism’ not set,resultStage.numPartitions = ShuffleRDD.parts=hadoopRDD.splits

  so resultstage.numPartitons is deternmined by ShuffleRDD#getDependencies()

 TODO check in page

-ShuffleMapStage.partitions = rdd.partition (ie. MapPartitionsRDD[3] here,similar to resultStage except ‘spark.default.parallelism’ case)

-ShuffleRDD will be parted into the ResultStage instead of ShuffleMapStage



cirtical concepts

-spark.default.parallelism-determine how many result tasks to be run,see PariRDDFunctions#reduceByKey()

-each stage has one direct corresponding rdd.

-spark.cores.max in standalnoe mode,this property will limit the maximum of cores in cluster to be utilized .

-ShuffleDependecy.shuffleId == ShuffleMapStage.id?yes,ie ShuffleDependency:ShuffleMapStage = 1:1,

  see shuffleToMapStage(shuffleDep.shuffleId) = stage



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